當蘋果股價從一個多月前的426 美元的曆史最高價跌到363 美元附近的時候(在2011 年11 月底) ,有人做過一些簡單的計算:市值消去 14.8% ,而同期標準普 500 的跌幅是 5.4% 。對於喜歡和標準普比較的人來看,這種差別,似乎能說明不少的問題,特別是對於處於一個非常特殊時期的蘋果公司來說。
其三,歐洲不斷傳來的壞消息。歐洲進入經濟衰退已經不再是可能,而是進行時了。歐洲一次次的壞消息,都帶來了美國甚至是世界性的股市大跌。再者,根據 2008 年金融危機時的表現看,當時,在一個可比期間,標準普下跌 38.5% 時,蘋果的股價下跌了 56.9% 。由此看來,蘋果也不是一個抗風險性能很好的股。
其一,先看成績單。此前過去十年,蘋果股價的年度平均成長為 43.5% !五年為 32.0% 。很多時候,人們會說:已經長了這麽多,還能繼續上升多少?
按照周五收盤價 381 美元計算,蘋果的市盈率( P/E 比)為 13.8 ,過去十二個月每股的盈利為 27.68 美元。公司賬戶上擁有的現金大概在每股 80 多美元。公司市值為 3541 億美元。這些是存量數據。對於華爾街來說,這些都是“曆史”,對於投資者價值不是很大!
在過去四個季度,蘋果盈利的成長速度分別是 75% 、 92% 、 122% 和 52% !這裏的差別主要還是來自季節性因素的影響,不代表成長速度的變化(上升或者下降)。人們估計,未來五年的盈利成長速度平均會下降到 19% !
對於未來蘋果的盈利成長,會不會很快下降到 19% ,甚至是更低的水平,我們很難估計。但是,有一點似乎會是必然,長期的 35% 甚至是更高的盈利成長,是不可能做到的。問題是,盈利增長的下降,到底會從什麽時候開始?下降之後,帶給公司的到底是競爭性的外傷壓力還是內傷損害?
十年前每股 0.10 美元盈利的蘋果,五年之前做到 9 美元,三年前是 15 美元多,下年度估計會有 38.59 美元的收獲。按照 19% 的年度盈利增長,五年之後大概在 78 美元的樣子。
那時候,公司的賬上現金每股估計會有 200 美元,如果按照利潤的 5 倍來決定公司運行部分的價值,外加現金,也會有接近 700 美元的股價了。很多人認為,應該在 800 美元以上,他們是按照市盈率( P/E )來估算的。如果你擁有一家公司,賬戶上有大量的現金,你業務帶來的盈利,是你投資扣除現金儲備外的五倍。你覺得值得嗎?這種思考的邏輯,就是價值投資的邏輯。
在喬布斯在世的時候,他一再說,自己的公司隻保留一流的人才。那麽,這些一流的人才,在離開喬布斯之後的蘋果,會出現什麽樣的博弈結局呢?在喬布斯將公司的 CEO 大權交出之後,他的那位打開零售業市場的大將果斷離開,尋找更好的獲利地位。那麽,未來的蘋果,將由誰來凝聚人心呢?在大家都變得很富有的情況下,又該怎麽樣保留和打造一個能征善戰的軍團呢?都是值得投資者關心的問題。
我發現,很多人不喜歡蘋果股票,就是因為它已經成長了太多。這種邏輯倒是非常的熟悉,也很有普遍性的真實性。那麽,對於蘋果,會不會是情況不一樣了?如果蘋果不能繼續開發有競爭力的新產品,如果蘋果的市場競爭力下降,最終不得不搞價格戰,如果蘋果不能夠像現在這樣,以區區 4% 的智能手機市場占有率,獲得行業超過一半的利潤,那麽,手裏握有大量現金的蘋果,會怎麽做,又能怎麽做呢?
附錄 The list of Soros Fund Management’s top high-growth holdings.
Stock | Symbol | Shares Held - 09/30/2011 | Change in shares | Expected topline growth next year |
Adecoagro S.A. | 25485394 | -961544 | 20.90% | |
Westport Innovations | 3160063 | -1859827 | 49.20% | |
Amazon.com Inc. | 206016 | 193271 | 33.40% | |
Apple Inc. | 83417 | 12622 | 28.90%* | |
Acacia Research Corp. | 770125 | -784343 | 24.30% | |
Mercury Computer Systems | 2220666 | 181397 | 29.20% |
Source:13F filing , Yahoo Finance
*Current Year (ending Sept. FY12) growth rate
I find Adecoagro a good value buy at current prices. Adecoagro is a diversified South American Agribusiness company, with exposure to low cost farming in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, and sugar & ethanol in Brazil. The stock is trading at a 47% discount to its NAV, which is at the low end of the historical P/NAV of its peers. One of the main concerns with the stock is a proposed law by the Argentine government regulating foreign ownership of land. If the law is approved as it is, Adeco would face limitations to buy new land in Argentina. However, the limitations only apply to the future, which means the current land portfolio owned by Adeco is not at risk. Further, Adeco's land portfolio still has a significant amount of undeveloped land, implying NAV growth even without buying new land. Trading at 0.53x P/NAV. I believe investors are pricing in the worst case scenario and giving zero value for the Argentine land portfolio, which is not justified. The risk reward profile at this price is skewed to the upside.
Apple also looks good trading at just 9.78x forward earnings despite of ~$80 billion in cash and expected 29% growth in sales in the current year. Given the initial momentum iPhone 4S has seen, I believe Apple can post good December quarter earnings. Apple continues to remain a secular growth and market-share-gain story in the smartphone and tablet space. I would recommend buying the company given its low valuations and several upcoming catalysts over next few quarters, like strong iPhone 4S sell-through, holiday sales, and anticipated iPad 3 and iPhone 5 launches next year.
Acacia Research is another stock I would go long on. Acacia Research Corporation, through its operating subsidiaries, acquires, develops, licenses and enforces patented technologies. Its operating subsidiaries assist patent owners with the prosecution and development of their patent portfolios, the protection of their patented inventions from unauthorized use, the generation of licensing revenue from users of their patented technologies. After the recent Nortel ( NRTLQ.PK ) IP portfolio sale, the IP market is seeing increased activity. Acacia is seeing growing levels of interest in partnerships from companies that seek to unlock the value in IP portfolios owned by operating companies. Some evidence of this can be seen in Acacia’s last quarter financial results. Acacia reported $50.6 million of revenue and revenue per deal hit an all time high of $1.7M in Q3, despite not signing a major comprehensive deal in the quarter. Going forward, this increased activity in the market will become more apparent after the next few quarterly results. Acacia is also likely to benefit from its strong position in licensing Access portfolio (original Palm patents) for use in leading mobile operating systems (Apple and Android platforms).
One stock in the above list which I would like to avoid is Amazon. I find Amazon stock pricey. I understand the growth potential and current investment mode of Amazon (which is keeping earnings depressed), but the current price seems to be already pricing in a lot of positives. Also, I don't agree that growth in international markets will come easy for Amazon without any significant competition from local players.