2010 (840)
2011 (629)
2012 (247)
2013 (653)
2014 (1463)
2015 (155)
2016 (265)
2017 (251)
平舖直敘占上風 高瞻遠矚惜乏人
首鼠邊站畏成龍 沾點人氣不吭聲
有勞老馬再征戰 精湛斑斕出美文
黏土巴望地增值 蘸水勾畫渠引清
披荊斬棘斬馬季 :) 展開宏圖一嶄新
----------- ---------Google
Straightforward prevail/ Pity vision unattended/Jackie Chan's first mouse sides in fear/Dip in popularity not say anything
There are workers battle horse again/Exquisite gorgeous out Essay/Clay keen to add value/
Drainage cited clear outline dip/season cut through the clutter/launched a new grand
Paste paper less ...plating,/Thin/frivolous just adding toxins,/Alone needs more supervision,
Jealousy is not good as generous,Studying but also traveling,Gamblers make waves crossing the robbery.