(0/) 2014-06-30 20:24:05
If I say that one can learn English words by the aid of Chinese
(0/) 2014-06-30 20:11:55
(0/) 2014-06-30 11:39:13
07/04, no surface error, 07/14 no logic error, might finish
(0/) 2014-06-30 08:52:18
(0/) 2014-06-30 08:40:20
(0/) 2014-06-30 06:47:35
(0/) 2014-06-30 05:03:02
(0/) 2014-06-30 04:47:24
(0/) 2014-06-30 04:38:52
(0/) 2014-06-30 04:27:35
聶鑫, name-fate 34歲演員聶鑫病逝 車禍高位截癱
(0/) 2014-06-30 04:18:08
(0/) 2014-06-29 17:52:59
(0/) 2014-06-29 15:04:05
(0/) 2014-06-29 11:09:11
(0/) 2014-06-29 11:04:14
眼鼻嘴耳字秘, tell them that Chinese is smarter
(0/) 2014-06-29 10:37:40
不可高估或低估漢字的內涵. 正確 vs.校正 secret in it
(0/) 2014-06-29 05:05:02
正確 vs.校正, 整頓, 製止 which to which? why?
(0/) 2014-06-29 04:46:46
ZT: 指為手加旨=匙加甘,味, purpose. 我另外有發現
(0/) 2014-06-28 20:36:52
(0/) 2014-06-28 18:24:05
(0/) 2014-06-24 14:38:27
(0/) 2014-06-24 11:55:31
(0/) 2014-06-24 10:47:21
字詞解釋,多媒體資源,學習資源 ,名言,原始文獻,教科書和手冊
(0/) 2014-06-24 10:37:32
遲疑與疾馳是牛馬的低下, 恥字的濫簡是無知的恥辱 --(巨獎後環遊世界)
(0/) 2014-06-24 10:35:27
(0/) 2014-06-24 09:48:25
(0/) 2014-06-24 07:52:27
(0/) 2014-06-24 06:48:13
(0/) 2014-06-24 05:14:19
校讎 to collate as if to face enemies
(0/) 2014-06-24 05:04:29
約會, word secret in it,長期累積,偶然得之
(0/) 2014-06-23 19:51:02
昏迷久奇蘇醒,上報刊便高興 4 E. words...舒馬赫醫療資料被叫賣
(0/) 2014-06-23 18:27:24
上報刊便高興 2 E. words... secret in it 高中生"總統學者獎" 華裔占1/4
(0/) 2014-06-23 18:20:20
初 vs. 除, 赴 vs.追, analyze by same pattern 美女自費七萬赴巴西追梅西
(0/) 2014-06-22 20:47:56
(0/) 2014-06-22 16:40:11
(0/) 2014-06-22 14:33:37
(0/) 2014-06-22 12:11:18
(0/) 2014-06-22 11:35:17
(0/) 2014-06-22 11:29:20
(0/) 2014-06-22 11:14:34
(0/) 2014-06-22 04:50:09
(0/) 2014-06-22 04:43:42
(0/) 2014-06-22 04:31:51
(0/) 2014-06-21 18:58:38
(0/) 2014-06-21 16:42:16
Aza Ray Vidinhar pleaded guilty
(0/) 2014-06-21 15:48:44
"爭球" change single play to contest
(0/) 2014-06-21 13:19:15
when self adds doggishness, he will be a skunk
(0/) 2014-06-21 07:23:36
(0/) 2014-06-21 04:33:33
(0/) 2014-06-20 21:07:35
(0/) 2014-06-20 17:23:26
(0/) 2014-06-20 16:23:22
蔑視一切權威,滅字秘密今解 --to 英媒一片哀嚎:世界末日來了
(0/) 2014-06-20 15:11:04
(0/) 2014-06-20 10:14:37
(0/) 2014-06-20 09:13:14
(0/) 2014-06-20 08:06:14
閣下 Your Exellecy, <--secret solved
(0/) 2014-06-20 08:01:43
(0/) 2014-06-20 07:13:35
become dragon tube, add ice cube 成龍發布會冷清收場
(0/) 2014-06-20 05:11:22
(0/) 2014-06-20 05:05:28