

(2010-11-12 09:35:54) 下一個

湖Nan is my home province, more to that, Yueyang is my grandfather’s hometown,even though his house has no pond in the front like those of both Mao and Ren Bishi. There my relative witnessed the white killed He Long's child, one of my relatives was almost killed because her husband is a Red Army soldier. Of course there were opposite stories as well.

莫道昆明"湖"水淺,高峽出平湖, Mao likes 湖, in fact, besides the West Lke, he lived at a villa in the East Lake, Wuhan, where I have the most pleasant memory, better than 昆明"湖" because its green and its ocean-like.

A photographer Mr. Song once lived by a small lake...but he is more like Jiangnan beauties, so he stayed there.

I found out how to explain the word lake and 湖. Yes, 湖 by Humanness, only Humanness can solve this mystery : ). those 糊tu chong in this area are only deserve to 喝湯, ha-ha.

 "黎明走瀟湘, 霞光染紅八百裏洞庭煙波", I recall this line by a poet.


ZT:"在霞光中奔放. 多少高瞻遠矚的星辰. 在浪尖上眺望. 群星璀璨、偉人輩出 ... 八百裏洞庭湖. 你是我的魚米之鄉. 八百裏洞庭湖. 你是我的錦繡天堂. 與你共舞在洞庭湖畔, .... 層林盡染如籠赤霞. 愛晚亭前讀詩篇. 停車坐愛楓林晚 霜葉紅於二月花. 滿山的紅葉煙波嫵媚 ... 是最純粹的黎明報曉. 一冬的心事紛紛解凍. 盡情地親吻著帶露的嫩綠 ..."

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