
Study English

(2008-09-15 08:20:51) 下一個
簡化, 轉換, 連環, 見畫,
聽說領先  大聲背誦  多讀精讀  雙向對譯  寫中求趣

風雨雷電均有聲,人有親情常念英,念念不忘人多情,  有情才配稱精英.
listen  pen  read  trans   gramma  word source
study  classic  reside out  wen  millitary  safe danger  poor suffer
Different shaped block for each letter was put in his mouth, a mistake would cause friction or blood.

Ten tips to build English vocabulary are not completeConnect Write Draw ActCreateAssociateListenChooseLimitObserveTo create,these two concept are worthy to study:

Deduction & Induction   Deductive and Inductive Thinking

In logic, we often refer to the two broad methods of reasoning as the deductive and inductive approaches.

Deductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific. Sometimes this is informally called a "top-down" approach. We might begin with thinking up a theory about our topic of interest. We then narrow that down into more specific hypotheses that we can test. We narrow down even further when we collect observations to address the hypotheses. This ultimately leads us to be able to test the hypotheses with specific data -- a confirmation (or not) of our original theories.

 Inductive reasoning works the other way, moving from specific observations to broader generalizations and theories. Informally, we sometimes call this a "bottom up" approach (please note that it's "bottom up" and not "bottoms up" which is the kind of thing the bartender says to customers when he's trying to close for the night!). In inductive reasoning, we begin with specific observations and measures, begin to detect patterns and regularities, formulate some tentative hypotheses that we can explore, and finally end up developing some general conclusions or theories.

These two methods of reasoning have a very different "feel" to them when you're conducting research. Inductive reasoning, by its very nature, is more open-ended and exploratory, especially at the beginning. Deductive reasoning is more narrow in nature and is concerned with testing or confirming hypotheses. Even though a particular study may look like it's purely deductive (e.g., an experiment designed to test the hypothesized effects of some treatment on some outcome), most social research involves both inductive and deductive reasoning processes at some time in the project. In fact, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that we could assemble the two graphs above into a single circular one that continually cycles from theories down to observations and back up again to theories. Even in the most constrained experiment, the researchers may observe patterns in the data that lead them to develop new theories.

內蒙古師範大學張文府教授提出的八環 節學習外語的方法:製訂計劃——課前自學——專心聽講--及時複習——獨立作業——解決疑難——係統小 結——課外學習。又如,在閱讀方法指導時向學生介紹SQ3R(Survey,Questions,Read,Recite,Revise)閱讀法。


  1. 根據構詞法記詞
  2. 聯想式記詞法  在記憶一些難以掌握的名詞術語時也不妨采取這些聯想的記憶方式,例如,intestine(腸)和diabetes(糖尿病)是兩個難以掌握的詞匯,不過我們可以通過聯想腸的作用來幫助記憶。   分解聯想記詞法。

 3. 意義組合記詞法  有些字母組合既不是詞根,也不是詞綴,但是也有一定的意義,例如:許多以字母組合st-開頭的單詞,而以字母組合fl-開頭的單詞, 意義組合-ash在某些單詞的後麵結束部分時,經常可以表示“迅速而又用力做”,   

4. 相關詞記詞法

 拚寫方麵有相似處,而其意思也有一定的聯係,稱為相關詞。其中有一類我們稱之為詞形相關、詞義相近或相同,了解了這些特點,我們在記憶詞匯和猜測詞匯時都會變得容易一些。 例如:大家都知道error,而看到To err is human這個英語諺語時,我們是否能根據相關詞猜詞法推斷出err的意思是“犯錯誤”,它與error是相關詞。還有一類詞形相關、詞義相反。再如:fertile和sterile這兩個詞匯,

絕招一:蠶食鯨吞法 準備一本字匯書(或一本筆記),英文在最左邊,中文在最右邊;中間則要空下來寫“提示”,提示這個字“怎麽背”。每個字匯的不同,可能是依據字根、諧音、形狀、例句等…。
英文單字提示中文 imp小魔鬼
Vfelonfelon felon念起來像“壞人”所以是重罪犯。重罪犯 背起來了,旁邊打個勾勾。
1.單字:一次不能背太多個,容易搞混。 2一次不需用太長的時間來背,廢物時間恰好可以拿來利用,但必須常常複習。
·“觀字法門”的必備條件則是足夠的專注力。 背完一個單字時,是用“思考”的方式讓自己“記住”。例如背了一個單字“imp”,閉上眼睛,這三個字必定會浮現在眼前,讓字的樣子一個一個從心頭上熨貼過去,如果心夠靜,就可以達到“看過等於記得”的境界。
絕招五:耳根圓通法 耳朵背單字的效果遠勝於眼睛,聲音更能使人臻至化境,所以利用耳朵的這個特點來練“睡眠學習法”,其實就是在進行一種潛意識的學習。
·工具:1.錄音帶 2.錄音機(具自動回帶功能,而且一定要雙卡。) ·1.請發音正確的人幫忙錄製。慢慢念,搭配讓夠心情平靜的背景音樂更好。 2.念完單字後,停頓1--2秒接著念中文意思,每個單字複誦3--5次;換到下個單字前,間隔5秒。
·播放:就寢前以自動回帶播放,A麵播完後自動換到B麵,連續播放整個晚上, 假設五十個單字共錄了半個鍾頭,一個單字在一整個晚上就可以聽到好幾次。※勿戴耳機,將錄音機置於腳邊,音量不要太大,若有似無即可。
·試著回想小時候學習中文的過程,中文的方塊字是不是往往會與相關畫麵一同浮現腦海。 ·以此經驗為據,即可得知背單字最直接的方式應該是圖像植入、搭配意境,以達到背誦的最佳效果。

“漢語是智慧的語言。”2009-01-04 08:37:57
Some 現行簡體字 are good, some are not, 回答: 漢字不是象形文字 現行簡體字不是好漢字 For instance, 東does not need to be simplified, but 東 is beautiful
 鼓角相聞--耳鼓手腳相聞  A paster's reading I could get only some, partly due to less concentrated, so I will try to correct in this way: when write, speak out plus record the time; when listen, write it down as a measure.
大學英語 College English

奇人王同億    王同億被稱為中國“巨大文化工程的諸葛亮”。10年前,一些老科學家問他的下一步計劃時,他曾提出要翻譯韋氏大辭典,語 四座。在嚴濟慈、周培源、錢偉長、錢三強等17位科學象、學者的參與下,在鄧小平、方毅等同誌的過問和支持下,10年之後的今夭,以《韋伯斯特第三版國際大辭典,和《牛津大辭典》兩部權威巨著為藍本,補充新詞、難詞7丌條,涉及500多學科的《英漢辭海》,已付印出版,這是中國人的一個宏舉。
文化 wu2 tou2 = 重複(說話)(literate-->iterate) Let us examine the facts in the case more closely.  First of all,

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