
解密英漢字 英漢相通--石破天驚的文字揭秘

(2008-08-30 20:35:58) 下一個

200 pages illustated

作為一個具有功力的專業畫家的我,雖然未能在美術界有所轟動,但能另辟蹊徑,尤其是處於艱苦環境, 成為開創性人物,不愧人生。


Beijing #2:
You are right, Here is a new one--I found a simpler system of word study after arduous research. For one word I might ponder over a hundred times. In 2003, I contacted several publishing houses in Beijing, one of which accepted my proposal.Later, My script was stolen and my work has been hampered by some evil men till this year. After joining Wenxue City, I found two more new ideas, therefore, over six unique ways by me will open a totally new analytical windows about word study for all learners, including native English speakers.


 BJ #2      Thx for your question, I think you are the one to suit this, perfectly i can see. You may look for this kind of position.
As for me, I think I already made a breakthough in a large scale in understanding sound and shape of Chinese words and those of its counterpart,  as well as the link of the two. I'm seeking a best way to sell it.
For this area, which surpasses my ability, although my research result could contribute to it. My discovery solved this problem. For almost all phrases started with 覓, my way will differentiate them easily.  So, my finding does deserver an award.

This book is a breakthrough in the DISCOVERY OF the MYSTERY of CONNECTION OF Chinese and English words, will make a revolutionary change at vocabulary building skill.
it spurred me to fasten my speed to finish my first book. Thanks to this forum and BJ specially.
I have taken an assiduous course for words study for a long period. At the beginning, it was less effective, for I separated word study from reading, writing and others. I read a dictionary over and over again, ignored methods like using two sides of a card. It is against Mao's teaching: Injuring all of a man's ten fingers is not as effective as chopping off one, and routing ten enemy divisions is not as effective as annihilating one of them. Even much of my time was wasted on less effective plod, it more or less familiarized me with the New English-Chinese Dictionary, later, when I found other reference books, those dull and dry yet concentrated pure word reading become solid foundation which enables me to make a breakthrough, to see a spark now and then, suddenly, my plod paid off by the fact of a world brand new word analysis system will be presented to the public, hopefully, it will be recognized and bring the fruit I deserve. For the last two years, I was encouraged by several nice friends, my achievement is inseparable with them. Those who are willing to be listed their names at the acknowledgement pages of my books, please notify me, otherwise, their majia will be their representatives.As for my methods, what I like to say today is:* Use more creative ways instead of rote--mechanical memorizing;* Use a Chinese-English Dictionary* Use paired-associate learning* Read linguistic books* Be flexible, humorous besides hard working Good luck!

In a concert hall, a portrait of a local lady by a well known artist I have read many times and then, noticed this...


每周六小時,一年300 小時,不到七年時間,就有2000小時

王舒  by soso 名字印象  內涵:博學多才 • 爛若舒錦 意境:如湯探冷熱,似博鬥輸贏
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