
談天說地 古往今來 曆史人文 天下大勢


(2011-07-04 03:53:00) 下一個












    這些大罷工,最後都是在美國政府派出聯邦軍隊,結合地方各州和各級政府的軍隊,給鎮壓了下去。其中最著名的一個事件,是188454號發生在芝加哥的幹草市場屠殺(Haymarket Massacre)。










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wuweisanren 回複 悄悄話 回複writeinwater的評論:
I have commented 井's last several posts with the same doubts as yours.
If history is going to repeat itself again, the last two paragraphs indicates what China will have to endure for her fate of either uprising finally or just the ultimate blossom before end.
Ironically, the railway boom in late 19's in US is just like the high-speed train boom in China today. For project of this magnitude, it's always a precursor to the fate of a great nation.
We'll see.
writeinwater 回複 悄悄話 LZ, I have been reading your works since 2008, and with admiration. Yet reccently I'v begun to question some of your visions. You seem to interprate China and China vs. west very effectively in terms of strategy. But to my reflection, China's most fundamental issues are not always strategic (politics, economy, military) but cultural, spiritual too. To put it simply: China's ultimate reconciliation to her past 100 years filled brutal revolutions imposed on her is How to make today's China a place that Chinese people feel both culturally and spiritually at home, especially for future generations. U.S. and Taiwan never had this challenge when they were in the same stage of economic evolution. This is because, in the U.S. case, it is naturally a part of western civilization; and in the Taiwan case, they never abandoned Chinese traditions. Yet for mainland China, without a successful solution to this problem China still has no secured future for whatever that can be brought in with successful strategy can be taken away by, say, simply an earthquake.

Just look at Wen Jiabao the prime minister who just brought the British a great deal of trading benefits, and was still humiliated by them, and all he could do was "多點理解,少點指責" in response. Where was his dignity as the prime minister representing China? Or in general, where is the dignity of the Communist government? And perhaps we can look at the moral status in today's Chinese society too, or even just the sometimes unhealthy relation between Chinese women and the western men... You might think these are all just parallels to those you mentioned in the U.S. society during its developing periods. But I doubt it. I think these issues are much more meaningful as they take place in China.

In general, after over 2 years of reading your works, you have impressed me that you sometimes fail to identify China's fatal and unique issues, or you wishfully downplay their significances. I think this is seriously dangerous for a deep thinker like youself.

However, you have excellent command in explaining China and the world in terms of strategy. I have leanrt a great deal from your blog, and will still be your fan. Thanks.
fromq 回複 悄悄話 Ding!!!

History just repeat itself!
真真國女兒 回複 悄悄話 低級貪官轉移資產到海外;高級貪官麽,可以鬧個政改了,獨立了什麽的。