
Life is like box of Chocolate, but .................

If heaven have a highway,escape to Hanna,夏威夷馬尾島漢娜遊

(2012-09-30 12:08:38) 下一個

If heaven have a highway,escape to Hanna,夏威夷馬尾島漢娜遊通往漢娜的路隻有一條,就叫做漢娜之路。漢娜之路以彎曲難行而著名:30 miles 的小路上,有600個讓你毛骨悚然的急彎,平均一mile 20個;還有56座隻容一輛車通過的小橋。路彎曲也就罷了,關鍵是路還特別窄,很多時候你必須停下來等待錯車,而且順山修的小路一邊是海,一邊是山崖,轉急彎的時候總是提著一口氣,不知道對麵是否有車過lai路上是典型的熱帶雨林,滿眼都是綠色,深淺濃淡不一,有嬌豔欲滴,有疏朗清雅,有層層疊疊,有密密匝匝,再配上粉色的曼陀羅,五彩的天堂鳥,淡紫的睡蓮.......美麗的黑色海灘.這次難忘的漢娜自駕遊,給我們留下永遠的美好的回憶Hana, isolated from the rest of the Island, is truly the last virgin tropical paradise on Maui.From our hotel to Hanna is about 77 miles , since Hyatt Regency is on North West Coast of Maui, Hana is on East Coast, Only Hana Highway takes you there. There are about over 600 winding turns, and about over 50 one lane bridge to pass on Hanna Highway, but this trip will take you to see all kinds of tropical rainforest ,spectacular rainfalls, the rugged Hana shoreline and some of the best beaches on the island, it makes our trip once in a life time, left great memories behind........ our journey stared at Hyatt Regency, Maui我們的天堂自駕遊從我們的酒店凱悅水療度假酒店出發 Photobucket sunrise from outside hotel Photobucket on the way Photobucket Tropical rainforest Photobucket yield to oncoming traffic, first come first served Photobucket narrow two way lane traffic Photobucket so many don't pass sign Photobucket Photobucket On the way to Hana Photobucket Don't you think this one looks like big sur on Coast highway in California?? Photobucket beautiful orange tropic flower trees all over the mountain Photobucket Photobucket beautiful scenic stop Photobucket Photobucket

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