圖. Early voters in Henderson, Nev. Isaac Brekken for The New York Times
預計今年的總統選舉會吸引創記錄數目的選民參加投票,在選舉日當天,不少地方的選民可能會麵臨排長隊等困難。為了減少在選舉日可能出現的問題,除了兩個總統候選人的總部外,不少非黨派團體也公布了免費的詢問、投訴電話號碼,幫助解決選舉時可能遇到的問題。866-MYVOTE1 (VoterAction/NAACP/Advancement EP hotline)
877-523-2792 (ACLU EP hotline)
877-US4-OBAMA (Obama voter info)
888-DEM-VOTE (DNC hotline)
866-976-VOTE (McCain voter hotline - leave a message)
866-OUR-VOTE (EP hotline)
888-VE-Y-VOTA (Espa)
http://maps.google.com/vote 2008 US Voter Info
紐約時報對下列問題提供了網絡連接:Voter Registration Resources
Where is my polling place, and where can I check to see if I am actually
registered to vote?
Google maps and League of Women Voters
Where can I find a telephone number for my local election official?
Can I Vote and Overseas Vote Foundation
How do I know what identification is required to vote in my state?
Can I Vote
Where can I check to see if I am eligible to vote?
Can I Vote
Whom do I call if I run into problems on or before Election Day?
Election Protection
What are the hours of my polling place?
The Pew Center on the States
Where can I see what rules apply to students who want to vote?
Brennan Center for Justice
How can I vote absentee?
Go Vote Absentee
How do I register and request my ballot from overseas?
Overseas Vote Foundation
What do I do if my absentee ballot is late?
Overseas Vote Foundation
How can I be sure my voted absentee ballot is successfully delivered to
my election office in time to be counted?
Overseas Vote Foundation