
Life is Like a Bus

(2008-02-12 21:07:25) 下一個

Life is like a bus, and the life experience is the view you see from the small bus window. No matter whether you enjoy the view or not, you cannot get off the bus before it reaches the next stop.


You basically have no choice on whether to get on bus or not, nor which trip to take. From the moment you were born, you were already on the bus, which was leading you to a place that you don't know, nor your have been to.


All you can do is to adjust yourself to the environment, keep youself in the good mood, get along with other passengers no matter you like or dislike them, and most importantly, create a space belonging to yourself. The same things apply to your life.


Every stop is the milestone of your life. You may choose to transfer to another bus, or keep staying on your current one.


The good thing is that you have the choice now, which you have always been complaining that you should have owned and you thought you really needed.


The bad thing is that you don't know whether the bus you are transferring to is a better one or a worse one, nor what time it's to arrive even though it's supposed to be on time.

You know the bus in our city! -- It's seldom on schedule.

As time flies, you become getting used to the bus you were on, even though you were not very satisfied  and complained all the way.


If time is still early, just like when you are at young age, you are more willing to transfer to a new bus for a new trip, because you know many more buses will be coming for you since it's still early. You don't mind waiting. Or even though you mind, you can afford to wait -- it's still early.


If it's late into night, just like when you are old, you are more afraid to get off the current one, because you know your current one might be the last one you can get on...plus, it's too late at night. All you want is to get home safely. You may have lost interest in seeing a new view. Or maybe, after you tranferred so many times, you know it actually does not make a difference.


Some people are lucky and were already on a luxurious bus when they were born. Some are not.


Some people transferred to a better bus, some transferred to a worse one, some found there's no difference no matter how they tranferred.


Some people are luckily to get on a new bus quickly. Some spent most of their life waiting at the bus stop rather than  sitting on the bus enjoying the view outside.


Life is like a bus. You think you can have control on it, or you think you have many choices. But actually you can't and you don't. Even when you planned a transfer according to the bus schedule, the bus did not come as you expected. Either it's a wrong bus, or it does not come at the right time. All you can do is to keep yourself in good mood and get used to it.


Life is a damn bus


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