
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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(2005-12-14 16:39:21) 下一個

昨天半夜始公演 KING KONG 今天下午就跑去看


演是導過  Lord of the Rings 的新西 Peter Jackson Peter Jackson  五短身材, 滿臉亂七八糟的胡子,一年四季穿條短可就是他有眼光見識拍出了足以世的 LOTR之人不可貌相。 


KING KONG 3個小時,但是時間真的是 瞬即逝 LOTR 第三部也是三個小 看到沒完沒了的麵就想快打完了吧快打完了吧。 看KING KONG 一會兒一會兒得好 一會兒異,一大堆時間覺得很悲,根本不上時間飛逝


沒看舊版的KING KONG不知道故事原來是什麽樣的。 但是一版的 KING KONG 然有很多 action/adventure 的成分, 蒂是個淒慘的情故事 KING KONG 好比是個心思的小孩兒,然在林中勇善,到是抵不美人的魅力。了能和心思漂的美人廝守一起,落到被到他異地,直至上了性命的地。美人的眼淚最多算是殉葬品。


正如片尾的結論 it’s the beauty that killed the beast.


影很好看。很喜歡電剛開渲染的美國50年代 () glamour影也很感。不知是不是近來年事高的故,不智慧增,淚腺倒是日益達。次又是哭了個稀裏啦。 看到KING KONG 慘死 misanthropy 之心。 如果不是利欲熏心的人要去荒島獵奇淘金,KING KONG 就不會落得如此淒慘的下然一世也不到那個 exotic beauty, 至少可以占山王快樂終老。


After all, beauty is only skin deep.    






電影是虛構的, 我的 agony 是真的。 : (

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閱讀 ()評論 (5)
chic 回複 悄悄話 maybe so although i'd rather think he likes her and wanted to waste his life for her. if not then what's left?
Bing 回複 悄悄話 I cried when I watched it but was not impressed at all. I also don't think KK was in love with the girl. I think he was a friend of the girl who made him laugh 'cause the girl was a clown and she figured out how to entertain him. Like my LG said, he probably thought she was a cute toy.
chic 回複 悄悄話 Thank you for comforting/cheering me up~ that was my being malencholy - quite silly but i guess i just had to get it out of my system ;)
M+M 回複 悄悄話 don't be sad. Think this way: In KK's mind, he lost his life for something or someone who is worthwhile(my words could be nonsence because I neither read the store nor watched the movie), just trying to make you feel better ^_^