
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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Shades of Blue

(2005-04-11 19:48:33) 下一個

Monday morning, shades of blue.


The bad ones are dark blue, with storms coming from the end of horizon.


The good ones are sky blue, with birds chirping at the dawn and the flowers blooming.


And the best ones! They are the brightest fluffy blue. They have the sun they have the precious smell of grass. They are so luxurious they even have maple-syrup-flavored-cotton-candy clouds. Life’s sparkling and you smile like a child from the bottom of your heart.


Most of the days though, by the will of God Almighty, are just plain old grayish blue. You get up, mind your routines and before you even notice it the color fades like one’s youth.


And such is life.

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