

(2005-09-03 17:47:48) 下一個
中西文化以及習俗的不同反映在各自企業的內部有很多的做法也各不相同。不過隨著全球化以及信息化在全世界的流行,大家的做法也趨向相似或者一致,所謂的殊途同歸。本人以前在國內的公司(外商獨資的跨國性大企業)(示例一)以及目前在澳洲的公司工作時都曾經目睹了很多公司同仁離職的情況,基本上大家的做法都和下麵的步驟相同: 1,員工向公司提出離職申請。 2,公司領導或者公司部門管理同意申請,並向公司或者公司部門的所有員工發出通知。(示例二) 3,部門內的同事們自發出錢給離職員工購買禮物(在國內則一般是公司或者部門出錢,但是不一定會有賀卡),一般是比較實用的物品如鮮花,香水,巧克力,照片框架,酒類等,外加一張賀卡,由所有出了錢的同事們簽上自己的名字。整個過程是悄悄地進行,為的就是給那位離職的員工一個驚喜,不過這隻是一個表麵的形式,當事人當然知道到時候有禮物可拿的。 4,離職員工在公司的最後一天中午大家會一起出去吃飯,晚上可能還會一起去酒吧再喝一杯。(示例三) 5,當天下午會有一個小規模的告別歡送會,先是領導講話,然後是離職員工的告別演講,最後以送上禮物作為結束。國內的公司可能這個過程就省略了。(示例四) 6,離職的同事有的會發出告別信,最後臨走時還會一一吻別(局限於異性同事之間,另外國內不流行這一套)。(示例五) 示例一:國內公司同事的告別信 Hello, my friends, What is a pity to say that this Friday will be my last working day for THE COMPANY! Over the past great four years and two months career in THE COMPANY, I have fortunately made a lot of friends with whom we enjoyed all times of fun, of toughness: it's wonderful, it's rewarding... I cherish the memory of the days we work together and enjoy our friendship. Even though we will not work together, I am sure we will meet each other somewhere, sometime on this planet. I wish you, my friends and THE COMPANY best luck in the future. 示例二:澳洲公司離職員工的同事或上司發給大家的通知信件 All, I am sad to announce that Michelle Squire has handed in her resignation and will be finishing with THE COMPANY at the end of August. Michelle has an opportunity to join a smaller company which will give her exposure to a wider variety of accounting tasks and project work which were not available to her in her existing role. I'm sure that everyone will agree that Michelle has been a valuable contributor to the finance & AR teams over the 18 months that she has been with THE COMPANY. We will miss both her work ethic and her personality. Please join me in wishing Michelle the best for her new role. 示例三:澳洲公司離職員工的告別信以及聚餐邀請信 Hi everyone, As you have most probably heard, it is my last today at THE COMPANY (and one of my last days in Australia). After over 2 years, I feel my work here is done and I can move on. I'm usually a modest person but I really feel I have to take credit for turning around the eating habits of the finance department (and Pam).....no really, no thanks is necessary. :-) Seriously though, its been great working at THE COMPANY - a great group of people, and I will certainly miss you all when I leave on Tuesday. To celebrate my departure, I am having drinks at the Albion Hotel from 5, so please come along and have a last drink with me. If I've left anyone off the list, please forward to them. Thanks and take care, 示例四:澳洲公司離職同事的告別演說 I have been with THE COMPANY for about 18 months, and now I think my work here has been done so I can move on. I feel that I am lucky enough to have the chance to work in a great company and with some great people. Also I am lucky to witness every achievements we've got in this team during the past 18 months. I really appreciate all the helps and supports from all of you, As for the spirit of team works and the experiences I've got from here, I will take that with me. In the past 18 months I have also seen quite a few people leaving as well and unfortunately it is my turn today. It's a bit of sad but unfortunately it is just life. Anyway I wish you good luck and all the best! Thanks very much! 示例五:澳洲公司同事離職時發出的比較正規的告別信 Hello Colleagues and Friends, Time has come for me to bid farewell to you all and conclude our business relationship! I have been with THE COMPANY for about three years and during that time I have had the good fortune, not only to work with some wonderful people, but also to make some really good friends over that time. It is with some sadness that I close this chapter in my life, but am also looking forward, with excitement, to what lies ahead. It is hard to sum up all the things that I would like to say in a brief e-mail. I will take this opportunity to say a special thankyou to all those people who have worked so hard, Nationally and in each of the State teams, over the past years to steer the Mail business forward. Whilst we have all had our unique roles within the business, there are so many people who have contributed to making our daily work enjoyable and memorable! I have witnessed and been part of many changes over my three years here and I'm sure that the business will continue to evolve moving forward. There are so many people who I would have liked to thank in person and say good-bye to but cannot unfortunately, maybe our paths will cross in the future? So before I go I will just leave you with the following sentiments if you care to take the time to read the attached and reflect. Those of you here at Plummer Street level 1, will know of my passion and daily fix for wonderful fresh percolated coffee, the aroma that drifts through the office. Some of you may enjoy the fragrance, while others may be glad to be rid of this daily ritual. Therefore it is with coffee in mind that I will share with you a metaphor for life, that you may have come across in the past and I feel still holds merit for part of the way we could all live our life today. Happy Reading, and Good Luck! Good Bye! and Good Fortune! To you all! Warmest Regards, Bruno Citizen P.S. If I have missed anyone on this e-mail my apologies and if you could pass it on this would be appreciated
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