

認知力的發育(Cognitive development)

(2007-08-20 06:42:13) 下一個

認知力的發育( Cognitive development)

This article is intend to help parents and teachers understand important stages that children go through. According to the theory of Jean Piaget's cognitive development, every child goes through four stages.
1. Sensorimotor (Birth -2 yrs): Infants only know the world by looking, grasping, mouthing, and other senses. That's why a child touches and chews everything he/she can reach.

2. Pre-operational (2 yrs-7 yrs): Children start to form concepts (not yet reversible in their mind)and develop language to help them communicate. After pouring a bottle of water in three glasses, a child would claim that he now has more water. This indicates that he has not yet developed the concept of reversibility and conversion. The common characteristics of this stage are egocentrism ( 自我中心 ), rigidity of thought( 頑固 / 固執 ) , semi logical reasoning ( 半獨立的推理能力 ), and limited social cognition (有限的社會認知) .Saying “ NO ”, unwilling to share, and wanting to do things in his own way such as selecting clothes to wear are often seen at this stage. They benefit from hands-on experiences.

3. Concrete operational (7-11 yrs): Begin to think logically, can classify and understand math concepts that are based on concrete operations, and can apply some basic logic. Children are able to take into consideration viewpoints other than their own. They can understand reversibility ( 可逆性 ),inversion ( 轉換 ), reciprocity( 互易性 ) and conservation ( 守恒 )and can manipulate symbols if given concrete examples.

4. Formal operational (12 yrs and beyond): They can explore logical solutions, both concrete and abstract, project possibilities and reason. They can formulate hypotheses, isolate influences, identify cause-and-effect relationships, engage in both deductive and inductive reasoning, and can operate on verbal statements exclusive of concrete experiences or examples.

Helpful resource: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Piaget

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