

(2008-03-20 21:17:19) 下一個
Video 1:
Title: Worst than junk foods: Liars tell lies for Riot in Tibet

Deion: This video reveals how western media make fake reporting about riot in Tibet by modifying and misjudging pictures purposely.
Freedom for cheating and misleading???
Freedom for cheating and misleading???
Who support the extremists???
Historical shame!!!
Tag: Liars, lies,Riot,Tibet
width=360 height=300 controls=imagewindow autostart=true loop=true>

Video 2: Title: Extremist Terrorism: fire, violence, killing

Deion: Stop Tibetan terrorists, protect innocent civilians.
Dalai Lama must take responsibility for the terrorist attack.

Tag: terrorists, fire, Dalai Lama , ABC, Aussie, Tibet.

width=360 height=300 controls=imagewindow autostart=true loop=true>

Video 3:
Title: Five Girls died in Tibetan Terrorist Attack
Deion: Five Girls died in Tibetan Terrorist Attack, one survived girl told the story in Lhasa.

Support fighting Tibetan terrorists.

Stop terrorism, protect innocent civilians.
Tag: death, girls, terrorist, Tibet, Lhasa, Dalai Lama

width=360 height=300 controls=imagewindow autostart=true loop=true>

Video 4: Who supports the Tibetans’ violence

width=360 height=300 controls=imagewindow autostart=true loop=true>
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原野998 回複 悄悄話 回複5r的評論:
Are you naive or ignorant? the entire thing was conducted by Westerns! A turmoil China is exactly what they want.
Western media has been always use their colored lense to view China, Anything China in their eyes are wrong, bad.
It is not neglection, but on purpose!
金色的麥田 回複 悄悄話 ding! 5r
gugler 回複 悄悄話 建議舉國,舉世公投“要求活捉賣國賊陳水扁,活捉恐怖分子達賴,活捉支持恐怖分子達賴的美國臭議員”!送他們到舊西藏的水牢去體驗生活。
鋼球 回複 悄悄話 我讚成LEOTHECAT的看法.
NYWalker 回複 悄悄話 ""要讓美國人知道,尤其讓美國青少年知道:藏獨是恐怖暴力的"

CIA doesn't represent American majority. It's just a unit in government, it only rep government's policy and its execution. Not necessary representing American people's decision.

LEOTHECAT 回複 悄悄話 回複5r的評論:
5r 回複 悄悄話 曾和美國的年輕人談過這個問題, 他們不解的是,為何中國政府要將西方媒體及所有外國人驅離西藏,以至沒有一個客觀完整的報道,我們所見到的新聞都不是全麵的和客觀中立的, 所有的新聞都是中國政府和藏獨可取所需,對自己有利的就用,他們也懷疑是否真的政府驅離外國人後就開始強力鎮壓,雖然政府否認,但因為沒有中立的新聞媒體的監督,說服力不是很強,畢竟 64 天安門的影響太深了,政府的說法反複, 先否認,後又承認,也使人們不知道真相到底如何,所以希望政府能夠從中吸取教訓,掌握操作技能。我也曾經解釋,政府驅離外國人是為了保護他們的安全,可這裏的美國年輕人不理解,說為何隻保護外國人,在西藏的藏漢人也需要保護呀,為何不將他們也撤出?中國人的命和外國人的命應該是同樣的價值。 所以世界觀的價值不同, 你做了好事卻不一定被人所理解。中國政府還應當多學會操作技巧。
LEOTHECAT 回複 悄悄話 "要讓美國人知道,尤其讓美國青少年知道:藏獨是恐怖暴力的"

little2008 回複 悄悄話 支持一下,是在網絡廣為流傳的VIDEO中發現這個問題,那裏麵打人的警察像是印度人,可是不少主流的海外傳媒還引用錯誤的證據來詆毀中國,太可惡了。