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2·1 子曰:“為政以德(1),譬如北辰(2),居其所(3)而眾星共(4)之。”












Confucius said: “If governing a country by education in morality, a lord will be like the Big Dipper which is located in a certain orientation with all stars around it.”




2·2 子曰:“詩三百(1),一言以蔽(2)之,曰:“思無邪(3)。”











Confucius said: “Having 300 poems, Poemscould be generalized into one sentence: the thought is pure.”




2·3 子曰:“道(1)之以政,齊(2)之以刑,民免(3)而無恥(4),道之以德,齊之以禮,有恥且格(5)。”













Confucius said: “If a lord guides his people with orders and restrains them with penal law, the people will only try to avoid punishment which is caused owing to crimes but will lose sense of shame. Yet, if a lord guides his people by education in morality and uses proprieties to make his people’s words and  deeds kept in line, then the  people will not only have a sense of shame but also try to abide by rules.”




2·4 子曰:“吾十有(1)五而誌於學,三十而立(2),四十而不惑(3),五十而知天命(4),六十而耳順(5),七十而從心所欲不逾矩(6)。”













Confucius said: “I was determined to study at the age of fifteen, scored some achievements at thirty, no longer felt puzzled at forty, was enlightened at fifty, could distinguish between truth and falsehood at sixty, could do as I liked without overstepping usual practice at seventy.”



2·5 孟懿子(1)問孝,子曰:“無違。(2)”樊遲(3)(4),子告之曰:“孟孫(5)問孝於我, 我對曰無違。”樊遲曰:“何謂也。”子曰:“生,事之以禮;死,葬之以禮,祭之以禮。”













Meng Yitzu asking questions about filial devotion, Confucius said: “Filial devotion means not going against standards of morality.” Later on, Fan Chi drove carriage for Confucius, Confucius told him: “Meng Sun asked me what filial devotion is. I told him that filial devotion means not going against standards of morality.” Fan Chi said: “What do you mean by saying not going against standards of morality?” Confucius said: “When parents  are alive, you should serve them according to standards of morality; when they pass away, you should bury them and offer sacrifices to them according to standards of morality.”



2·6 孟武伯(1)問孝,子曰:“父母唯其疾之憂(2)。”










Meng Wubo asking questions about filial devotion, Confucius said: “The key point is that you should especially be concerned about your parents’ illness.”




2·7 子遊(1)問孝,子曰:“今之孝者,是謂能養。至於犬馬,皆能有養(2),不敬,何以別乎?”










Tzu You asking questions about filial devotion, Confucius said: “The so called filial devotion nowadays only means to provide for parents. But even dogs and horses can be provided for. So, if we don’t emphasize the necessity of respecting parents, then what’s the difference between providing for parents and raising dogs and horses?”




2·8 子夏問孝,子曰:“色難(1)。有事,弟子服其勞(2);有酒食,先生(3)(4),曾是以為孝乎?”












Tzu Xia asking questions about filial devotion, Confucius said: “The most difficult thing is to treat parents with amiable looks. If having something to do, you can do it for them; if having food and wine, you let them enjoy.  Could it be said that it is considered filial devotion to parents?”




2·9 子曰:“吾與回(1)言,終日不違(2),如愚。退而省其私(3),亦足以發,回也不愚。”











Confucius said: “When I taught Yan Hui, he never had any objections all day long just like a foolish man. But after he left, I examined his private words and found he had developed what I’d taught him. Therefore, he is not foolish at all.




2·10 子曰:“視其所以(1),觀其所由(2),察其所安(3),人焉廋(4)哉?人焉廋哉?”












Confucius said: “If you want to know a person, you should analyze the motives of his words and deeds, observe the way he takes and examine what he is up to with ease of mind. If so, how can a person cover up himself?  How can a person cover up himself?”




2·11 子曰:“溫故而知新(1),可以為師矣。”









Confucius said: “Restudy the old to obtain better insight. Then you can be a teacher.”




2·12 子曰:“君子不器(1)。”









Confucius said: “Gentlemen are not like tools each of which only has a certain use.”




2·13 子貢問君子。子曰:“先行其言而後從之。”






Tzu Gong asked some questions about gentlemen. Confucius said: “If you have something to say, you should put them into practice first and then say it.”




2·14 子曰:“君子周(1)而不比(2),小人比而不周。”











Confucius said: “Gentlemen unite the broad masses but don’t gang up for selfish purpose. While shameless men gang up for selfish purpose but don’t unite the broad masses.”




2·15 子曰:“學而不思則罔(1),思而不學則殆(2)。”










Confucius said: “Only study but not think, you’ll be perplexed without any gains; only indulge in idle dreams but not study, you’ll suffer from misgivings and hesitate all the time.”




2·16 子曰:“攻(1)乎異端(2),斯(3)害也已(4)。”












Confucius said: “Refute heresy, misfortune will be eliminated.”




2·17 子曰:“由(1),誨女(2),知之乎?知之為知之,不知為不知,是知也。”










Confucius said: “You, do you understand what I taught you? If you do, say yes, otherwise, just say no. This is wisdom.”




2·18 子張(1)學幹祿(2),子曰:“多聞闕(3)(4),慎言其餘,則寡尤(5);多見闕殆,慎行其餘,則寡悔。言寡尤,行寡悔,祿在其中矣。”



(1)子張:姓顓 (讀“專”) 孫名師,字子張,生於公元前503年,比孔子小48歲,孔子的學生。










Tzu Zhang wanted to learn the way of seeking official posts. Confucius said: “Listen more and put aside what you doubt about. As for the rest which you are sure of, you should say them out cautiously. Doing so, you can make fewer mistakes. Observe more and put aside what you doubt about. As for the rest which you are sure of, you should do them cautiously. Doing so, you can reduce the possibility of feeling regret. When speaking, you make fewer mistakes; when doing, you seldom feel regret. Then the official posts are lying in here.”




2·19 哀公(1)問曰:“何為則民服?”孔子對曰(2):“舉直錯諸枉(3),則民服;舉枉錯諸直,則民不服。”



 (1)哀公:姓姬名蔣,哀是其諡號,魯國國君,公元前494 - 468年在位。








The Lord Ai asked: “How to make people heartily convinced?” Confucius said: “Promote honest people and give shameless ones a cold shoulder. This can make people heartily convinced. If you do exactly the opposite, the people won’t be heartily convinced.”



2·20 季康子(1)問:“使民敬、忠以(2)(3),如之何?”子曰:“臨(4)之以莊,則敬;孝慈(5),則忠;舉善而教不能,則勸。”













Ji Kangtzu asked: “How to make people respect me with loyalty and work diligently?” Confucius said: “You treat people in a solemn manner, they will respect you with loyalty; you show filial devotion to your parents and kindness to others, people will be loyal to you; you choose and use kind persons, educate less capable ones, people will work diligently.”



2·21 (1)謂孔子曰:“子奚(2)不為政?”子曰:“《書》(3)雲:‘孝乎惟 孝,友於兄弟。’施於有政(4),是亦為政,奚其為為政?”












Someone said to Confucius: “Why aren’t you engaged in politics?” Confucius replied: “Shang Shusaid, ‘Being filial means to show filial devotion to parents, while being friendly means to show friendship to brothers.’ Putting the principle of filialness and friendship into political affairs is to be engaged in politics. Why can’t this action be considered to be engaged in politics?”



2·22 子曰:“人而無信,不知其可也。大車無輗(1),小車無軏(2),其何以行之哉?”










Confucius said: “Breaking one’s own word is absolutely what one cannot do. How can ox carts move without big or small wooden latches? ”




2·23 子張問:“十世(1)可知也?”子曰:殷因(2)於夏禮,所損益(3)可知也;周因於殷禮,所損益可知也。其或繼周者,雖百世,可知也。”



(1)世:古時稱30年為一世。也有的把“世”解釋為朝代。 從上下文看來,似乎指朝代而言。








Tzu Zhang asked Confucius: “Can we anticipate the rite systems of the next ten dynasties?” Confucius replied: “Shang Dynasty inherited the rite systems of Xia Dynasty, and additions and deletions could be anticipated; Zhou Dynasty inherited the rite systems of Shang Dynasty, additions and deletions could also be anticipated. There must have some dynasties in the future which inherit Zhou Dynasty and their conditions can certainly be anticipated even after a hundred dynasties.”




2·24 子曰:“非其鬼(1)而祭之;諂(2)也。見義(3)不為,無勇也。”











Confucius said: “If you offer sacrifices to the ghosts and spirits you should not do, then you will be considered to toady them. If you just stand by with folded arms when you see something you should step forward boldly to do, then you will be thought chicken-hearted.”


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