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18·1 微子(1)去之,箕子(2)為之奴,比幹(3)諫而死。孔子曰:“殷有三仁焉。”











Because of the same crime of admonition, Wei Ztu left the lord Zhou, Ji Ztu was degraded to a slave and Bi Gan was killed. Confucius said: “There are  three persons of humanity in Yin Dynasty.”




18·2 柳下惠為士師(1),三黜(2)。人曰:“子未可以去乎?”曰:“直道而事人,焉往而不三黜?枉道而事人,何必去父母之邦?”










As a judicial offer, Liu Xiahui was dismissed from his post three times. Someone asked him: “Can’t you leave the country Lu?” Liu Xiahui said: “If I serve the lord open and above-board, how can I find a good place for me to avoid being dismissed frequently? If I serve the lord by foul means, what’s the need for me to leave my motherland?”



18·3 齊景公待孔子曰:“若季氏,則吾不能;以季、孟之間待之。”曰:“吾老矣,不能用也。”孔子行。






Qi Jinggong said something about the way to treat Confucius: “I cannot treat him as the lord of the country Lu treated Ji. I can only treat him in a way between the ones I used to treat Ji and Meng.” He then added: “I’m too old to be useful.” Learning this, Confucius left the country Qi.



18·4 齊人歸(1)女樂(3),季桓子(3)受之,三日不朝。孔子行。




(2) 女樂:歌女。







Someone from the country Qi presented some dancing girls to the country Lu. Ji Hengztu not only accepted them but also refused to have an audience with the sovereign ruler. Learning this, Confucius left.



18·5 楚狂接輿(1)歌而過孔子曰:“鳳兮鳳兮!何德之衰?往者不可諫,來者猶可追。已而已而!今之從政者殆而!”孔子下,欲與之言。趨而辟之,不得與之言。









Passing by Confucius, Jie Yu, the madman of the country Chu was singing: “Phoenix, phoenix! Why are you running into bad luck like this? Whatever passed away, you cannot retrieve it. But whatever comes later, you have the time to change it. Let it go, let it go. The present rulers are too dangerous!”  Getting off his wagon, Confucius wanted to speak with him. But the mad man shunned him so that Confucius failed to talk with him.




18·6 長沮、桀溺(1)耦而耕(2)。孔子過之,使子路問津(3)焉。長沮曰:“夫執輿(4)者為誰?”子路曰:“為孔丘。”曰:“是魯孔丘與?”曰:“是也。”曰:“是知津矣。”問於桀溺。桀溺曰:“子為誰?”曰:“為仲由。”曰:“是孔丘之徒與?”對曰:“然。”曰:“滔滔者天下皆是也,而誰以易之(5)?且而與其從辟(6)人之士也,豈若從辟世之士哉?”耰(7)而不輟。子路行以告。夫子憮然(8)曰:“鳥獸不可與同群,吾非斯人之徒與而誰與?天下有道,丘不與易也。”




(2)耦而耕:兩個人合力耕作。 耦,讀“偶”,這個字的本身就是兩人並耕。









長沮、桀溺一起耕田,孔子路過,讓子路詢問路。長沮說:“你在為誰駕車?”子路說:“為孔丘。”長沮問:“是魯國孔丘嗎?”子路說:“是。”長沮說:“他天生就應該知道路在哪裏。”子路又去問桀溺。桀溺說:“你是誰?”子路說:“我是仲由。” 桀溺說:“是魯國孔丘的學生嗎?”子路說:“是。”桀溺說:“壞人壞事象洪水一樣泛濫,誰和你們去改變?你與其跟隨避人的人,哪如跟隨我們這些避世的人呢?”他邊說邊不停地播種。子路回來告訴孔子,孔子失望地說:“人不能和鳥獸相處,我不同人打交道而同誰打交道?如果天下太平,我就用不著改革了。”



Chang Zu and Jie Ni worked together in the fields. Passing by, Confucius let Ztu Lu ask the way. Chang Ju said: “For whom do you drive the cart?” Ztu Lu said: “For Confucius.”  Chang Ju asked: “Is he the one of the country Lu?” Ztu Lu said: “Yes.” Ztu Ju said: “Then he should know innately where his way is.” Then Ztu Lu asked Jie Ni. Jie Ni asked: “Who are you?” Ztu Lu said: “I’m Zhong You.” Jie Ni said: “Are you a student of the Kong Qiu of the country Lu?” Ztu Lu said: “Yes.” Evil doers and evil deeds are spreading unchecked like overflowing food. Who are willing to work with you to reverse the tide? Isn’t it better for you to follow us who retire from the world than follow the ones who shun persons?” He talked and sowed at once without stopping. Ztu Lu came back and told Confucius what they said. Confucius said disappointedly: “Human being cannot get long with birds and animals. If I don’t get long with human being, whom I should get long with? If there is a great order across the land, what’s the need for me to carry out reforms?”



18·7 子路從而後,遇丈人,以杖荷蓧(1)。子路問曰:“子見夫子乎?”丈人曰:“四體不勤,五穀不分(2),孰為夫子?”植其杖而芸。子路拱而立。止子路宿,殺雞為黍(3)而食(4)之。見其二子焉。明日,子路行以告。子曰:“隱者也。”使子路反見之。至,則行矣。子路曰:“不仕無義。長幼之節,不可廢也;君臣之義,如之何其廢之?欲潔其身,而亂大倫。君子之仕也,行其義也。道之不行,已知之矣。”





(3)五穀不分:分,糞。 為五穀施肥忙著呢。









Following Confucius on a tour, Ztu Lu lagged behind. He met an old man who was carrying a grass-cutting tool with his walking stick. Ztu Lu asked: “Have you ever met with my teacher?” The old man said: “I’m tied up with work, sowing grain and spreading manure. There is no time for me to know who is your teacher.” After saying that, the old man was still working in the fields. Ztu Lu was standing beside, cupping one hand in the other before his chest as an obeisance. Deeply touched, the old man invited Ztu Lu to stay overnight and entain him with chicken and let him meet his two sons. Next day, Ztu Lu said goodbye to the host and left. When catching up with Confucius, Ztu Lu told him the whole story. Confucius said: “He must be a hermit.” He let Ztu Lu go back to meet the old man again. But he was out. Ztu Lu said to his teacher: “It’s wrong not to seek official posts. The proprieties relating relationship between elder and young couldn’t be abolished. But it could not be said that the custom relating relationship between a lord and his subjects should be abandoned. It’s no good to preserve one’s purity but at the same time violate proprieties between lord and subject. The aim of a gentleman to seek official posts is only to carry out his duty. As for pursuing a great order across the land, I know it’ll get us nowhere.”




18·8 逸民(1):伯夷、叔齊、虞仲(2)、夷逸、朱張、柳下惠、少連。子曰:“不降其誌,不辱其身,伯夷、叔齊與?”謂柳下惠、少連,“降誌辱身矣,言中倫,行中慮,其斯而已矣。”謂虞仲、夷逸,“隱居放(3)言,身中清,廢中權。”“我則異於是,無可無不可。”











Hernits: Bo Yi, Shu Qi, Yu Zhong, Yi Yi, Zhu Zhang, Liu Xiahui and Shao Lian. Confucius said: “Do not self-lower ideal, do not self-humiliate status. Bo Qi and Shu Qi are among this kind of people, aren’t they?” As for Liu Xiahui and Shao Lian, Confucius said: “They lowered their ideals and humiliated their status, but they spoke according to moral principles and acted according to their senses. This is what they could only do.” As for Yu Zhong and Yi Yi, he said: “They secluded themselves from society, enjoyed freedom of speech, preserved their purity and resigned their official posts. What they did was all reasonable.” He said at last: “I’m quite different from them.  I don’t care one way or another”




18·9 大師摯(1)適齊,亞飯(2)幹適楚,三飯繚適蔡,四飯缺適秦,鼓方叔(3)入於河,播鞀(4)武入於漢,少師(5)陽、擊磬襄(6)入於海。














Zhi, musician No.1 went to the country Qi; Gan, musician No.2 went to Chu; Liao, musician No.3 went to Cai; Que, musician No.4 went to Qin; Fang Shu, drum-beater went to Huanghe Rive area; Wu, drum-shaker went to Hanshui River area; Yang, assistant musician and Xiang, chime-beater went to sea shore.



18·10 周公謂魯公(1)曰:“君子不施(2)其親,不使大臣怨乎不以(3)。故舊無大故,則不棄也。無求備於一人。”











The lord of the country Zhou said to the lord of the country Lu: “Gentlemen do not keep their relatives at a distance and do not let their objects complain because of being unemployed. As for old friends and objects, do not desert them so long as they don’t make serious mistakes. Just do not demand perfection.”



18·11 周有八士(1):伯達、伯適、伯突、仲忽、叔夜、叔夏、季隨、季騧(2)









There were eight gentlemen in Zhou Dynasty, namely Bo Da, Bo Shi, Bo Tu Zhong Hu, Shu Ye, Shu Xia, Ji Sui and Ji Gua.

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