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Recommendation letter for Naomi - EZ - Al - YY

(2017-05-26 09:47:52) 下一個
I knew Naomi since when I first moved into my current home more than 11 years ago. I remembered a few days after we moved in, I opened my front door upon hearing the bell and saw a friendly smiling face and a plate of warm cookies. After I knew her name, I would see it frequently on the neighborhood news emails, and PTA school events list. 
7 years ago, when my daughter was in third grade, Naomi mentioned to me about a Lego robotics programming class at school. During my daughter’s first class, I found out that Naomi and her husband were the instructors, and I also heard her husband’s company (co-owner), a software development company had donated money and helped with this program. The very next year, Naomi started the FIRST Lego League robotics competition team in our elementary school. My daughter joined her team, and then my son joined the team too a few years later and is still on her team today. I had more time to see Naomi’s great effort to work with the kids, parents, and the school. Other than FLL, I know she also ran the Arts in Education program for many years and launched the Odyssey of the Mind program during that time. 
I know Naomi is very busy with all these activities. Many times, I saw her emails sent late at night, or very early in the morning. Sometimes, I even worried about her. But whenever I saw her, she was always energetic. She continues reading, thinking, discussing, and finding new ideas to adjust her methods while coaching the kids. Her patience, politeness, and thoughtfulness earned love from the kids and the parents. For the people I know who know Naomi, they all like and respect her very much. The more I watch from her side, the more I admire her. I definitely trust her as a school board member to take care of my kids. 
(Naomi won the school board election in May and started to serve her first term as board member. Now she is even more busy.)

July 7, 2016

For E:

Dear Northeastern Regional PTA,

I have known Evelyn since she was in elementary school where I served as her coach and mentor for a First Lego League Robotics team and Evelyn has continued to participate in the robotics program every year since the 4th grade. In the time that I have coached Evelyn, I have watched her grow in confidence and determination to develop the necessary skills to successfully complete a multifaceted project.  Her tenacity to complete this endeavor has been impressive and demonstrates her ability to work through complex issues.  Being a senior member of this year’s robotics team Evelyn expanded her interest outside her comfort zone and accepted new responsibilities as team leader to help ensure her team’s success which included mentoring younger team members, setting up a team website, preparing presentation materials, and taking the lead in pursuing a patent for the team’s invention.  She served in all areas of the project and was key in answering questions posed by tournament judges.  Evelyn’s contributions ensured the team a spot at the state level competition. 

Beyond the robotics program, Evelyn has pursued other interests.  For example, Evelyn is an exceptional musician.  Evelyn actively seeks volunteer opportunities in the community and school. 

Overall, Evelyn is motivated, determined, imaginative, creative, sensitive and an accomplished young lady.  I believe that Evelyn demonstrates the qualities that make up an “all around good kid” and should be strongly considered for the Outstanding Youth Award. 

For A:
You are, without a doubt, one of the best people on the planet. You bring light and love into everyone's life. Exclude such an aura of comfort and happiness, and even though were not particularly close, my life would be so different without you. I don't think I can target how excited everyone was the first day your joined, and I remember being so confused because I didn't know you at all at this point. I understand the excitement. No one else we ever met has just carried as much happiness and energy with them as you; you make parties and games so much more enjoyable, lighthearted, your humor is just of simply the best forever, and God it feels so weird to write down  because they're easy compliments to give, but carry much more weight than they may seem. I'm genuinely so lucky to know you, to have memories with you. I hope all is well now and continues to be, and I hope you know how many people you're impacted, and how much people love you. Your way with people and with life is admirable ---- and I do regret not ever getting close to you. Nevertheless, you can never be forgotten, and as I write this, I can't help but open floodgates of memories. You are one of the reasons that my life started looking up. Thank you. (12/25/2022)


我有多年中美兩國工作經驗和豐富的人生經曆,擅長通過日常行為洞悉背後本質。近幾年,幫助不少朋友了解自己,排疑解惑,其中也有青春期的孩子。人到中年,我找到了自己的興趣和擅長所在,2021年冬天,我成為了美國西北大學心理谘詢研究生,目前我是Life Revisions谘詢事務所的一名臨床實習谘詢師,我的督導有著三十五年谘詢經驗。我希望利用西方心理學知識結合東方智慧來提供文化和語言兼容的心理谘詢服務。
目前我可以為18歲以上的成年客戶提供服務,谘詢服務啟動後的收費標準是$50/小時 我的聯係方式:電話702-781-0940,電子郵件haileyyu@liferevisions.com 網址https://www.liferevisions.com/hailey-intern
為客戶保密是谘詢的第一要義。如果谘詢師不經客戶同意就披露他們的信息,客戶可以舉報給美國心理谘詢協會,這個谘詢師的職業生涯也就基本結束了。從事這個職業是我一直以來的理想,我不會用任何一種方式給理想蒙灰。之前說自己經曆的都是我的朋友,我是在正式進入心理谘詢工作之前和他們聊的。其實也正是通過她們的成長我更加清晰了自己的方向,在這裏也要特別感謝她們願意在這裏分享[Fight][Fight] 我想她們也是希望能有更多的華人朋友可以通過心理谘詢受益吧,謝謝大家。如果您有任何疑問可以私信聯係我。我一定盡力解答。


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