

(2009-04-03 13:28:44) 下一個
一夜之間全解決了。 NEWS也沒有了。 這股市真是好玩極了。 這是第3次熊市大反彈了。 第一次是在BSC 倒下,WS鼓吹 “the worst is behind us,can not get worse than this”。 第二次是去年9-10月BUSH刺激方案出台。 這第三次就是OBAMA TOXIC ASSET PURCHASE + M2M accounting rule modification + G20 忽悠。


people who got into market at first rebounce are emotionally optimistic people and have vague, confusing thinking. So their IQ is in lower 30% percentile.

people who got into 2nd rebounce are the people who are thoughful but not self-control enough with 50% percentile IQ.

people who got into current 3rd rebouce are smart and patient enough. however they do not read what is printing on the wall: people keep losing job, housing market is not stablized yet, retailers cut business hours to save energy, car sales drop 40%. however they are smart enough not to lose too much like their predecessors did. their IQ is 75% percentile.

so the 4th one is the real charm when all big 4 find solutions?

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