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一般都認為,魚油可降低膽固醇,有益於預防心血管疾病,很多人因此都額外補充Omiga-3 魚油膠囊。補充的劑量有日漸提高的趨勢,以前是每日1克,現在每日2克,4克都很常見。

近年來臨床發現,進補大劑量魚油的人,常常發生心房顫動,引起醫務界的警覺,因而觸發了一係列研究,其中包括2018年的15000人的研究,2020年13000人的研究,和2021年8000人的研究。他們比較了進補魚油和進食玉米油或其它礦物油後心房顫動的發生率,發現進食魚油可使房顫的發生率增加。這一作用有劑量關係,在每日進補1克以上Omega-3 魚油的人群中尤其明顯,如每日進補4克魚油,其發生率可高達69%。其中2020年的那項研究不得不因此中途叫停。這現象在65歲以上的老人和有糖尿病的人群中尤其明顯。




鑒於以上的發現,我個人建議,補充魚油的劑量,(指的是其中Omega3的含量, 即EPA和DHA的總量),不宜過高,應控製在每日0.5-1.0克之間。如有心率異常或心髒不適的現象,需引起警覺,不要忽視。

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瑞冬 回複 悄悄話 回複 'dong140' 的評論 : 治療因人而異,包括控防血凝,控製心率,血壓,安裝起搏器,改變生活方式等等。具體選擇看檢查結果,且因人而定。你可和心髒專科醫生商討。下麵是一篇關於治療的文章,附上供參考。

The Best Atrial Fibrillation Treatment
By Staff WriterLast Updated June 24, 2020

If you’ve ever had the feeling of your heart fluttering or skipping beats, you may be suffering from atrial fibrillation (Afib). Though the feeling may be quite disconcerting, having Afib doesn’t necessarily mean you have a serious health condition.
Heart Fibrillation Symptoms
Some people have Afib and are unaware of it because they don’t have any symptoms of it. Others may experience one or more signs, as listed by Mayo Clinic. These include heart palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, confusion and chest pains. You should call your doctor immediately if you have any of these symptoms, though chest pain should warrant a trip to the hospital. Atrial fibrillation can take one of four forms: occasional, where the symptoms come and go with no particular rhyme or reason; persistent, where you require medical treatment to restore your heart’s regular rhythm; long-standing, which is continuous and lasts for at least 12 months; permanent, which often requires lifetime medications to control the heart’s rhythm.
Treating Atrial Fibrillation
Luckily, there are a variety of treatment options available for Afib. Your doctor will discuss them with you, and together you can decide what is the best course of action to treat your symptoms. Medications are effective in treating the effects of Afib and bringing your heart back to a normal rhythm. Blood thinners lower your risk of developing blood clots or having a stroke. There are drugs formulated to help slow a rapid heart rate so the heart can pump blood more effectively. Heart rhythm medications slow your heart’s electrical signals to bring it back to a normal sinus rhythm.
Pacemaker for Atrial Fibrillation
If medications alone do not treat your Afib, your doctor may try medical interventions. Two of the most popular choices are a pacemaker and an ablation. A pacemaker is a device placed in your chest that sends out pulses to help keep your heartbeat on track. An ablation is a procedure where tiny areas of heart muscle that set off the irregular rhythm are destroyed by radio waves or lasers.
Diet for Atrial Fibrillation
There are lifestyle changes that you can make to make your heart healthier. One is to re-haul your diet. You should work to eliminate fatty foods and incorporate heart-healthy, low-fat, low-salt foods. Aim for a plate chock full of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
How You Can Prevent Atrial Fibrillation
Besides embracing a healthy diet, there are other things that you can do to lessen your chance of developing atrial fibrillation. Exercise regularly and drop excess pounds, if applicable. If you’re a smoker, stop immediately. Drink alcohol in moderation. Keep up with your annual doctor’s visits and tell him or her if your symptoms worsen.

瑞冬 回複 悄悄話 回複 'jelous' 的評論 : 英文名為Atrial Fibrillation. 我想,如果24 小時監測是陰性,隻能說明目前沒有房顫。因為房顫可以偶發,間斷發作,和持續發作。
楊和柳 回複 悄悄話 謝謝,太及時了。
花似鹿蔥 回複 悄悄話 謝謝救命提醒!
jelous 回複 悄悄話 房顫的英文叫什麽?如果24小時檢測器沒監視出來就是沒有麽?其他症狀都有
dong140 回複 悄悄話 房顫有藥可治 -- 你知道藥的名字嗎?我嶽母有這個毛病