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Leafgirl2 回複 悄悄話 回複colourofwind的評論:
You said that my story is not dramatic enough. I agree with you on this. I wrote it based on what I really know trying not to add any colorful imagination of my own.
colourofwind 回複 悄悄話 Men dumped old wife and get younger one, was not right in most of the case; but I don't think it is right if the wife only spend husbad's money and don't care about him at all;If that man is till don't do anything, just meant he is not too man or afraid of trouble of breaking the famliy.

I don't see any love here in your story(so agree with you that love is complicated but it is not applied to here) and your story is also not dramatic enough for a story, so I don't know why you want to put your friend's issue here.I think you are just curious about that the wife's living in china by herself. I should say her wife is very selfish so she want to stay in china and don't need to do any housework. And this man is not that manly. Family don't have any model, but at least should be two people together make the life better. Otherwise why not keep single, at least you have freedom to enjoy single's fun.
Leafgirl2 回複 悄悄話 回複colourofwind的評論:
Hmmmm, love is a complicated issue. I am confused about their relationship too and that's why I am going back and forth with my point of view. I need to do a follow-up story on this. Thank you for the comment.
colourofwind 回複 悄悄話 老公愛老婆,老婆不愛老公, 這才是幸福的家庭;Cute lisa cute,You are funny.

And the writer, don't know what you want to say, doesn't make any sense,I should say.
Leafgirl2 回複 悄悄話 回複CUTELISACUTE的評論:
Good observation. Ding!!!
CUTELISACUTE 回複 悄悄話 這才是幸福的家庭.老公愛老婆.難道非要老公留在國內,包二奶,老婆帶這孩子在國外守空房才正常嗎.因為太多不正常的現象發生,所以偶爾有這種正常的,反而讓大家覺得不正常了.不是嗎
Leafgirl2 回複 悄悄話 回複EL的評論: Thank you for the comment. I get a lot of comments from Hui Guo Fa Zhan site but here you are the first one!!!!!! You are special!!!!!
EL 回複 悄悄話 後遺症就是被太太甩了?