


(2006-08-16 11:08:01) 下一個

嬰兒:1,新的冒險(538-24) 2,新的個人關係(551-12) 3,那些看來是少量的、微小的確具有巨大的價值(294-139)4,靈性真理(294-159) 5,需要教育、指導、引路(900-98)6,兩個人和諧的結晶;7,開放、無畏,如耶穌所講:除非成為孩童…”(900-386) 。其它解釋:1,待開發、未成熟;2,剛開始;沒有責任;3,需要照看和鼓勵。

Baby 1. a new venture ( 538-24). 2. a new interpersonal relationship (551-12). 3. that which appears to be small or of little account but may be of the greatest value (294-139, A-5). 4. the spiritual truth (294-159, A-6). 5. that which requires teaching, guidance, and direction (900-98, A-2). 6. the harmonious union of two people (dreamed that he and wife had triplets; Cayce Interpreted as harmonious relations between the two at physical, mental and spiritual levels) (900-183, A-2). 7. becoming open and unfearful, in the sense. that Jesus spoke. "except you become as little children..." (900-386, A-12,-13). Other possibilities: 1. undeveloped, immature. 2. something just getting started. 3. free of responsibilities. 4. something needing nurturance and encouragement.

球:1,完美的空間、理想或合一的概念(900-104) 2,這個世界上與宇宙無限能量有關的力量(900-104) 3,一個完整的、考慮周全的方法(900-140) 4,目的的合一(900-142)5,孩童的遊戲(137-61) 。其它解釋:完成;競爭

Ball 1. the "perfect sphere"-some Ideal or concept of wholeness (900-104). 2. the forces of this world as they relate to the Universal Force (900-128, A-3). 3. a whole, or well rounded, approach to things (900-140, A-6). 4. the oneness of purpose (900-142, A-1). 5. childhood games (137-61, A-2). Other possibilities: 1. completeness. 2. competitiveness.

沐浴:1,清洗和從就想法中解放出來;2,清理和加強外在的自我(與來自上帝的內在的力量不同)( 確良00-110) 。其它解釋:1,身體清洗;2,放棄意見或偏見

Bath 1. cleansing and freeing from old ideas (900-189). 2. a cleansing and strengthening of the outer self, which should not be confused with the inner strengthening that comes from God (900-110). Other possibilities: 1. physical cleansing. 2. letting go of opinions and prejudices.

熊:包含了兩個方麵:一是有破壞性,再有玩耍、愛撫、愛心(294-87) 。其它解釋:1,壞脾氣;2,過分的保護;3,熊市;4,冬眠。

Bear that which has two sides: one destructive and the other playful, caressing, and loving (294-87). Other possibilities: 1. grumpy. 2. over protectiveness. 3. failing stock prices ("bear market"). 4. hibernating, retreating.

床:1,性活動(136-4) 2,汙濁的狀況應據一個人的道德標準來清理(94-56)3,對他人關閉(夢中人與死去的父親在床上被解釋為兩個靈魂有了接觸)(900-159) 。其它解釋:1,休息、睡覺;2,無意識狀態。

Bed 1. sexual activity (136-4, A-2). 2. dirty conditions in the bed-care must be taken that by moral standards one's life appears to be clean and open (294-56, A-2). 3. closeness to another or intimacy (discarnate father In bed with the dreamer Is Interpreted as actual soul-to-soul Contact) (900-159, A-2). Other possibilities: I. rest or sleep.2. unconsciousness.

鳥:1,信息傳遞者(900-37)2,閑聊是對自我發展的障礙(281-7)3,鷹---最高的威力才行動(900-117) 。其它解釋:1,自由於物質約束;2,靈魂;3,理想知識;4,心輪;5,激勵的思想、願望;6,心靈感應;7,高我。

Bird 1. the bearer of a message (900-37). 2. canaries- idle talk (like chirping and twittering) that is a hindrance to self (281-7). 3. an eagle-the highest elements of power and might in action (900-117). Other possibilities: 1. freedom from materials ties. 2. the soul. 3. spiritual knowledge. 4. the heart chakra.5.aspirations, thoughts, and Ideals. 6. telepathy. 7. the higher self.


Black man a truth which is submerged and still in one's own unconscious (dreamer was a white female, age 48) (106-10, A-2).

毯子、被子:1,家庭的行為模式(900-142) 2,幫助性的態度或掩蓋一個困難的局麵(900-180) 。其它解釋:與個人安全和舒適有關。

Blanket, quilt. bed cover 1. the "cover" or mode of conduct in the home (900-142). 2. helpful attitudes to make the best of or to cover a difficult situation (900-180).

血:1,身體的物理動力,表明健康與否(900-262) 2,一個人的想法和理想(就是說輸血是思想的交流) 3,生命的動力(136-83) 4,力量之源(基督之血帶來的力量)(900-327) 。其它解釋:1,血緣關係;2,基督之奉獻;3,壞血意味著憎恨。

Blood 1. the physical forces of the body itself, indicative of relative level of health or Imbalance (900-262). 2. the Ideas and Ideals of a person (e.g., a blood transfusion representing their transmission) (900-271). 3. life-giving, vital force (136-83). 4. strength (i.e., as In the strength which comes to use through the blood shed by Christ) (900-327). Other possibilities: 1. kinship, as In "blood ties." 2. the sacrifice of Christ. 3. "bad blood" meaning animosity.

船:生命的航程(136-41) 2,人們可以進入暢遊的一個學說派別或思想體係(900-102) 3,來自於其它源泉(就是從海外來的)(900-142) 4,臨近的旅行(136-67) 5,一個上了船的關於靈性真理的信息;6,渡船離岸---一個進入另一類層麵的航程;其它解釋:1,與同船的人麵臨同樣的問題;2,一個冒險曆程;3,開始探索非意識思想;4,幾個機會(例如誤了船) 

Boat 1. the voyage of life (136-41). 2. a body of thought which one can enter into and travel upon (900-102, A-2). 3. something that comes from a foreign source (i.e., from across the waters) (900-142, A-7). 4. a forthcoming trip (136-67). 5. a message about spiritual truth to be carried abroad (900-267, A-4). 6. ferryboat separating from a pier-a voyage into the afterlife, the separation into a new realm (900-370).Other possibilities: 1. having common problems or challenges as those other people depicted in the boat (i.e., "in the same boat"). 2. an adventure. 3. beginning to explore the unconscious mind. 4. an opportunity (e.g., "missing the boat").


Book 1. knowledge (900-196, A-5; 900-156,A-15). 2. lessons gained (900-217, A-1). Other possibilities: 1. memories. 2. Ideas. 3. Akashic records.



Bread 1. the most basic sustaining force of life; the staff of life; that which permits development ("morally, mentally, spiritually, financially") (136-16, A-2). 2. positive efforts invested in the present which may have future benefits (i.e., Biblical metaphor: casting bread upon the waters, and "it shall be returned to thee") (900-257, A-2). Other possibilities: 1. that which has been learned from life. 2. money.

磚頭:幾句話、幾個行為慢慢地建立起(大廈) 。其它解釋:固化了的想法和情感。

Bricks little words or little deeds that can slowly be built up (900-376, A-4).


Bridge 1. our way of passing through material life (900-64). 2. the foundation for a way of life (900-112). 3. a transition (288-14). Other possibilities: 1. a link between opposites. 2. a way of overcoming a difficulty.


Bull 1. hardheadedness or stubbornness (i.e., "bull- headed") (294-36, A-2). 2. bull market (i.e., dreamer was a stock investor) (137-113).Other possibilities: 1. sexuality or sexual appetite. 2. the first chakra or spiritual center.


Bull's-eye attunement to one's ideals or goal (900-106, A-1).


Burglar a warning about someone who may try to take advantage of the dreamer (195-51, A-2). Other possibilities: 1. negative attitude or emotion that is stealing one's energy or vitality. 2. guilt about having taken something (literally or metaphorically) from someone. 3. desire to take something from someone (e.g., power, prestige, etc).

Box 1
. that which holds and protects (257-130 Supplement). 2. the conditions surrounding a person's life (900-97, A-1). 3. hedged in or boxed in (900-216, A-3; 900-17, A-3). 4. being hemmed in by the cares of the world (900-178).
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