All souls were created in the beginning, and are finding their way back to whence they came.
Edgar Cayce Reading
Love the Lord. Keep His ways. For He, as ye must always remember, hath blessed thee personally. And that means for keeps!
Each soul . . . has a definite job to do. But ye alone may find and do that job!
每一個靈魂… …有一個確定的工作要完成。但你必須自己去發現和完成那項工作!
. . peace must begin within self before there may be the activity or the application of self in such a manner as to bring peace in thy own household, in thine own heart, in thine own vicinity, in thine own state or nation.
Know that ye are going through a period of testing. Remain true to all that has been committed to thee, and know that each day is an opportunity, and an experience. Speak a word for thy ideal. Not as to force an issue but ever constructive. Sow the seed of truth, the seed of the spirit. God will give the increase.