細雨 Continous Mist

Beatiful life with beatiful mind!

2013 過大年(2013 Chinese New Year Celebration)

(2013-03-11 14:28:05) 下一個
今年的春節時間正趕在周末,好得不得了,我試探地問問咱家那個是出去吃飯還是在家裏慶祝。我是真希望去外麵吃,省得好多麻煩和趕鴨子上架了。 答案是“如果你不介意,我們在家裏慶祝,可以嗎?我當然還是喜歡你做的飯菜!我和虎娃,虎妞玩兒!”被他說的我還得高高興興地“趕鴨子上架”。
It happened that 2013 Chinese New Year was on the weekend. I absolutely love it. Still, I asked him whether he liked to go out to celebrate or stay home. It doesn't matter to me. However, dining out is easier than cooking at home with twins running around me. The answer I got was: "Well, if you don't mind... Is that OK to stay home instead? I prefer your cooking of cause. I will play with kids if that helps." Then, I went in the kitchen with "delight" feelings......


Chinese New Year Eve Dinner Menu:
Fried Shrimp Chips
Chinese Meat Balls
Spring Garden Delight
Individual Braised Pork
Mahi Mahi Steak with Vegetable
Boiled Golden Dumplings

This is our family's favorite snack/appetizer. Simply deep fry the shrimp chips in the oil. I am very "good at" it.

四喜丸子:Chinese Meat Balls
The main ingredients are the shrimp and tofu. They are fried in the oil first then steamed. Sauce is made from the juice from the steamed meat balls, soy sauce, salt, pepper, sugar, chopped ginger, corn starch, shredded green onion and shredded carrots.  Pour the sauce on top of the meat balls and serve hot.

驚喜!居然得到小家夥們的喜歡。。。Surprise, our twins like them, too.

春色滿園:Spring Garden Delight
Main ingredients are again Tofu, jumbo shrimp, blanched broccoli, chopped green and red peppers...

做法 Procedures:
1。 一塊豆腐切三塊圓形,中間挖出一點,每塊豆腐中放入兩隻去皮的大蝦,撒入少許鹽入味。放入蒸鍋中蒸熟,取出待用。
1. One container firmed Tofu, cut into 3 round pieces. Take center part out but not cut thru. Put two shirmps in each Tofu. Sprinkle pich of salt and pepper on the Tofu and steam them for 10 ninutes. Save the juice for next step.

2。 炒鍋加熱放入少許油,薑末爆鍋, 放入青紅椒略炒,加濕澱粉調汁,調好味,倒入盤中間,芥蘭花燙後擺盤邊澆上多餘的汁就好了。兩個小家夥吃了半個”樹“呦。。。
2. Heat 1 Tbsp olive oil in a wok. add chopped ginger and pinch of pepper, add chopped green and red pepper saute for 1 minute. Add juice from the Tofu

罐裝東坡肉:Indivial Braised Pork
這是我家那個的最愛之一。。。 因為做法簡單我也喜歡做。
1. 帶皮五花肉切大塊,撒鹽和胡椒粉,厚底不鏽鋼鍋炒糖色,五花肉6麵都炒好顏色。。。加入酒,鹽,醬油,水。
This is one of the favorite dishes in our family... I like to make it as well since it is so easy to make.
Main ingredients: Pork belly, shredded ginger, star anise, cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, sugar, pepper, cinnamon, green onion, bay leaf.  
1. Pork belly cut into 4"x4"big pieces. Heat 2 Tbsp oil and add 2 Tbsp sugar; wait till sugar melted and change t brown color, ~2 minutes. Add pork belly and braise all sides. Then add cooking wine, water to cover the pork, soy sauce and salt.

2. 裝罐中,每製罐中加入大料,薑絲,桂皮,香葉,蔥,花椒粒。湯汁沒過肉,上蒸鍋蒸至酥爛,大約2到3小時。
2. Transfer each pork into a individual container. Also add a small piece star anise, couple shredded ginger, small piece cinnamon, bay leaf, few pepper corns and liquid from the previous step. Cover it and steam for ~2 to 3 hours till cook thru and very soft.

Here they are and ready to serve. It is simple, easy to make and delicious.

溜魚排:Mahi Mahi with saute vegetable
想做個全魚,但買不到大小適中,魚刺還少的野生的魚,有幸買到了野生的 Mahi Mahi 魚排。。。理想和現實總是有差距的,別太認真了。唉,說是野生,希望它是野生的。
材料:Mahi Mahi 魚排,蛋液,澱粉,胡蘿卜丁,青紅椒切丁,木耳切小塊,蔥絲,薑末,鹽,胡椒粉,油少許。
1. Mahi Mahi 魚排撒鹽和胡椒粉,10分鍾後沾蛋液和澱粉,入油鍋中炸脆待用。
Originally, I was planning to make a whole fish dish. I prefer a wild caught fish, small to medium size with less bone. But I couldn't find the fish I wanted. Luckily, I found Mahi Mahi filet... I accept the difference between the reality and dream. So, I am happy. Just wish it is wild caught as what they advetized....
Main ingredients: Mahi Mahi filet, 1 egg, 2 Tbsp. corn starch, chopped carrots (~1/4 cup), chopped red and green peppers (~1 cup), chopped tree ears (~1/4 cup), shredded green onion, shredded ginger, salt and pepper, vegetable oil and olive oil.
1. Using a paper towl to dry Mahi Mahi filet; Dip the fish into the egg, and then coat it with corn starch. Deep fry in a heated oil till crispy.

2. 鍋中加入少許油,蔥薑爆鍋,加入青紅椒,胡蘿卜丁,木耳,略炒,放入水,醬油,濕澱粉,調好味,澆在魚排上即可。
2. Heat 1 Tbsp. olive oil in a wok; add shredded green onion and gingers; saute for 1 minute; add rest of vegetables in the wok and saute for ~ 2minutes. Add 1/4 water, 1 tsp soy sauce, corn starch solution, salt pepper to taste. Pour the vegetables on top of the fish filet and serve hot. 

這道確實簡單易做,Mahi Mahi 本來就是很mild 的魚,外加魚肉新鮮,沒有一點腥的味道,很受我們家人的喜歡。
It is another simple dish, easy to make and delicious. Mahi Mahi has very mild flavor. The texture of the fish is not too soft and not too firm.  My family likes it very much.

黃金餃子:Boild Golden Dumplings
在中國,過年的餃子是特殊的餃子,除了好吃的餡料,媽媽還要放入一些錢(硬幣),紅棗,糖塊。象征著發財,早( 棗)發財,甜甜蜜蜜。所以吃的時候很是驚喜。如今這個傳統還要繼續,我提前包了餃子速凍放入凍箱,除夕這天拿出來煮。
The dumplings served at New Year's Eve dinner are special dumplings.  
Traditionally, specical dumplings are served for the first meal of Chinese New Year after the fireworks. Calling them "special" is because they have coins, dates and candies in some of them, not all of them. Each of them represents wealty, love and sweet. You get them by surprise. It is really fun. We now are in America. But the tradition goes on. I have made them ahead of time and kept them in the freezer. Just simply boil them when we are ready.
I made twist this year. I call them "golden dumplings". The dough is made of flour and pumpkin puree. See picture below:

The stuffing is made of ground pork and chopped leek. I put some coins and dates but no candy. I was afraid of that my twins will go for the candy instead of everything. So, no candy this year.  

包硬幣的:This one has a coin (dime)

This one has a half date. The whole date is too big to fit....

The "golden dumplings" are ready to eat. Like I said early, they are usually served for the first meal of the year after the fireworks. We are having them at the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner table in America.  

這“黃金”餃子是不是很“黃金”嗬。。。They are pretty "golden", aren't they?

我吃到一個。。。 新的一年發財有望噢!我家虎妞跟得很快:"媽媽,恭喜發財!Daddy, 恭喜發財!"
I got a coin... I might get rich in coming year! My twins followed pretty quick: "Momy, Daddy, gongxifacai"

Here is what in my plate....

隻記得吃了不少,大大小小都吃得很飽。。。I remember I ate quiet bit. Everyone in the family enjoyed meal very much.

Here are some snap shots of our garden on Chinese New Year Eve...
Daffodils are ready to blossom soon...

Compare to my snowy hometown in China this time of the year, Spring has arrived early in America...

We have not been home for the Chinese New Year for several years.  I miss the New Year celebration... full of "China Red" and fireworks, especially the family dinner at the New Year's Eve.
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