細雨 Continous Mist

Beatiful life with beatiful mind!

Chinese New Year (3) 過年篇(3)大紅燈籠高高掛,過年了

(2009-02-05 13:08:23) 下一個

Woke up in the morning, It is so bright. Wow, snow again. It is nice to see the snow on the Chinese New Year's Eve. Lanterns are up. Let's celebrate the Chinese New Year, the Year of Ox.
早上起來發現外麵一片白. 大年三十,下雪了.今年冬天的雪還真多. 大紅燈籠高高掛, 過年了.

We had a traditional  western breakfast in the morning. After that, we went hiking in the back of our property. We had Chinese New Year Outing! I haven't been to Beaver Pond for a while. The trail packed with light snow. It was just right amount for hiking. We saw a lots of wild life traces and few deer. Beautiful scenic. Too bad, my little camera was out of battery. I could show you the real beauty
早餐後,我們去我家後園的樹林HIKING. 去看BEAVER POND. 白皚皚的雪,高高的鬆樹,風景如畫. 看到很多野生動物的足跡, 真可惜,我的照相機沒有電池了.......

說來好笑, 我們以為星期六是年三十, 除夕夜, 我們高高興興去外麵吃飯,慶祝2008年(中國年)的最後一頓飯.吃過後,服務生告訴我們星期日才是年三十, 除夕夜,笑得我們不得了,星期日到了,真不想去中國餐廳了.還是我在家做吧,這麽多年了還是第一次在家過,趕個鴨子上架吧.
Cold dish: Spicy shredded potatoes
涼菜: 酸辣紅油土豆絲.

Appetizer: Crispy Salmon strip with spicy sweet and sour sauce
開胃餐: 炸三文魚條.


Hot dish (1): Mapo Tofu
熱菜(1): 改良的麻婆豆腐 (有福氣)

1. 厚底不鏽鋼鍋加熱,加油先炒薑豆(長豆角),加蒜末和鹽調味,出鍋擺盤.
2. 不用洗鍋,加入蔥絲,胡籮卜丁炒出香味,加入豆腐丁炒2分鍾,加醬油和濕澱粉,辣椒油,鹽,蒜末,一點糖, 一點醋,調味,出鍋.
好多人都說用不鏽鋼鍋炒菜會粘鍋, 我的就不粘. 看下圖,

In my bowl:

Hot dish (2): Chinese meat balls
熱菜(2): 四喜丸子

1. 牛肉餡加醬油,麵粉,鹽,蒜末,酒調味,做成4個球,擺盤上蒸鍋蒸15 分鍾.
2.厚底不鏽鋼鍋加熱,加油,加入蔥絲,薑絲,胡籮卜炒出香味,加入醬油和濕澱粉,鹽,蒜末,一點糖,調味,出鍋, 澆在丸子上即可.

Hot dish (3): Sweet and sour Salmon fish nuggets
熱菜(3): 糖醋魚段 (年年有餘)

1. 三文魚條炸脆,(做法看上麵)
2. 厚底不鏽鋼鍋加熱,加油,加入蔥絲,薑絲,炒出香味,加入醬油和濕澱粉,鹽,蒜末,糖,醋調味,放入炸脆的三文魚條,攪拌均勻出鍋, 即可.

Hot dish (4): Chinese Roast Pork
熱菜(4): 罐裝東坡肉

I have a very good friend, Ms. Hong. I like her cooking a lot. Her roast pork is the best. Well, it is Chinese New Year. Can't really bug her. I'd better try it on my own..........
我有一個好姐妹,紅小姐,她做菜的手藝是我見過,吃過最好的,她做的東坡肉簡直是太太太好吃了.這大過年的也不好意思"上門要飯", 還是自己想辦法吧......

1. 五花肉切塊狀, 加鹽,胡椒粉,酒淹10分鍾,
2. 厚底不鏽鋼鍋加熱,加油,加糖, 糖的顏色由白變棕色後加入豬肉, 煎1分鍾,翻過來煎1分鍾直到煎出顏色. 加水,八角, 醬油, 鹽,桂皮,煮10 分鍾.
3. 小罐中加入蔥絲, 薑片, 擺好肉,到入湯.
4. 上蒸鍋蒸40分鍾.

In my bowl.......我的碗中,
This is the first time I made this dish. He ate the whole cup. I was so glad that he liked it so much.
這是我第一次做. 很受歡迎. 他的一罐統統吃光了. 我真是受寵若驚. 

Of course, we have to have dumplings for the New Year's Eve dinner.

看來在家過年還真不錯.就是把我折騰慘了.本來就不懂做中國菜, 手忙腳又亂.明年還是照老規矩來, 出去過, 省心了.
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閱讀 ()評論 (11)
OregonRain 回複 悄悄話 回複中國風箏的評論:
Thanks CK! I have to say that it is lots of work for cooking Chinese food. I still prefer the Western dish. I admired those people cook Chinese at home everyday. No, I don't have tricks to prevent the messy. I wish I do. I love oven. I can't live without it.......
中國風箏 回複 悄悄話 What a Chinese dinner feast!I agree with you that cooking Chinese dishes is more complex and messier than Western ones. To me, the aftermath is the worst, i.e.the grease splashed on the stove and counter, even the backsplash. Perhaps, you have some tricks to prevent that happening? If so, can you please share with me?