
盈_盈 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

好吃到沒有朋友的 -- 廣式脆皮燒肉

(2016-03-03 08:01:33) 下一個


按Kit的說法,是 -- “好食到冇朋友!”

My good friend Kit came and visit us from Hong Kong last week, we spent the first few days catching up and chitchatting. It was funny that we came to realized that the last few times we met, were all in different countries -- Malaysia, Hong Kong, India and now USA. The only thing unchanged is the friendship and the way we feel for each other.

As we talked about my past visit to Hongkong, I started craving for some good roast pork, one of the day when we went for grocery shopping, we bought some pork belly and decided to make this roast pork at home!

It turned out so yummy that Kit said in Cantonese that it is "hou sek dou mou pang yao!" Taste too good to have any friends! LOL

1-1.5 磅 五花肉
1 1/2 tsp 五香粉
1 tsp 鹽
1 tsp 白醋/米醋

3-4 片薑片
2 根蔥
1/3 杯料酒

1-1. lbs of Pork Belly
1 1/2 tsp Chinese Five Spice
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp rice vinegar
A pinch of baking soda
A little bit of oil

3-4 Slices of ginger root
2 Spring onion
1/3 cup of Chinese cooking wine

1. 先把五花肉洗幹淨,然後放到一鍋煮有薑片,蔥和料酒的鍋裏煮5-8分鍾至五花肉變色定型。

2. 瀝幹,然後在肉的部分劃兩刀,把五香粉和鹽混合。抹在肉上,小心不要抹在皮的那一麵。

3. 取錫箔紙把肉和邊邊的部份包起來豬皮上抹上1小勺的米醋,然後放到冰箱裏風幹/醃一個晚上。

4. 第二天,取幾根牙簽/竹簽/鋼針,在皮上插上無數個洞洞。然後抹上一點點小蘇打。再抹/噴上一層薄薄的油.

5. 烤箱預熱至380F(195C), 把五花肉入烤箱烤30-35分鍾。取出,打開錫箔紙,把烤箱升溫至 400 F (205C), 或轉高火,繼續烤5-10分鍾至豬皮出現泡泡為止。
6. 稍微冷卻,切塊,沾海鮮醬吃。


1. Clean the pork belly well, blanch it in a pot with sliced ginger, spring onion and cooking wine, cook the meat for 5-8 minutes until it changes color.

2. Drained and cut about 1/2 an inch deep through the meaty part of pork belly. Rubbed the mixture of Chinese five spice and salt over the meat, make sure not to stain the skin, as the five spice may give a bitter taste over the skin after baking.

3. Wrap the pork belly around with foil paper and spread 1 tsp of rice vinegar over skin, leave the skin part exposed to dry. Leave the pork belly in the fridge over night.

4.  The next day,use a few tooth pick/bamboo skewer/needles, poke multiple holes over the dried skin, then spread a thin layer of baking soda over the skin. Before putting it into the oven, spread or spray a thin layer of oil over the skin.

5. Preheat oven to 380F (195 C), bake the pork belly with foil for 30-35. Take out, open the foil and continue baking at 400F(205C) for another 5-15 minutes until bubbles show on the skin.

6. Take it out and wait for a little before cutting into pieces. Serve with Hoisin Sauce.

Note:make sure you place a baking sheet underneath of the pork belly, otherwise it could smoke quite bad.

歡迎到我的博客玩 -- http://blog.sina.com.cn/spicehunt?
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閱讀 ()評論 (11)
盈_盈 回複 悄悄話 回複 '花如雪' 的評論 : 衝了恐怕味道就不好了。。可以少點五香粉試試
盈_盈 回複 悄悄話 回複 'yamyam' 的評論 : 那我就不弄了!嘻嘻
花如雪 回複 悄悄話 完全按部就班,口感很好,肉皮針孔紮的多的地方,真的就是脆皮燒肉。唯一缺陷是顏色發暗,賣相不好看,五香粉粘的太多的緣故,是不是烤之前,用水衝一下,把五香粉衝洗幹淨?
yamyam 回複 悄悄話 盈盈女士,我就是試過不打孔的燒肉,那個皮那個硬!要不是我牙口好....,要不你試完匯報一下?看看有什麽新創意?
盈_盈 回複 悄悄話 回複 '注冊很麻煩' 的評論 : 不謝不謝
盈_盈 回複 悄悄話 回複 'yamyam' 的評論 : 我覺得其實不打孔好像也可以的。。下次試試。
盈_盈 回複 悄悄話 回複 '秋水_伊人' 的評論 : 太理解你的感受啦!
秋水_伊人 回複 悄悄話 謝謝分享,操作過程好像不太難,成品看起來很不錯!可惜現在正在實施減肥計劃,隻能留口水了。下次party時試做一下。
yamyam 回複 悄悄話 為了做這個廣式燒肉,我連在豬皮上打孔的工具都買了,上麵有很多尖針的一個工具,但是紮肉皮仍然麻煩,雖然做出來挺好吃。
注冊很麻煩 回複 悄悄話 謝謝分享!
小二哥李白 回複 悄悄話 流口水。。。