

(2008-07-21 16:49:00) 下一個

Hi everyone, I have been deceived by a woman who look like 20years old  this  afternoon  2:15pm. (Black long hair, big eyes, 158cm , thinbody, roll up trousers)

She knocked my door (didn't use bell) hardly and shouted  " I am your neighbor can we have  talk for second?" 
when I open the door, she said " Hi I live at No.178 just move in a short time , my husband is Chinese , sorry we have not time came to say hello, today I need your help. I have a baby  just 4weeks  old, I found not more milkpower and nappy at home , such a mess weekend for us. I left my pocket  at my husband bag and he gone to work, I need to buy some for the baby, I have his mobile phone, you can call to check. "

our area is huge my No is 268, I never see another Chinese man walking down the street  and I just more intesting about the baby and this young mother, so I asked her you don't gave breastfeeling and where is the baby now?
She said" I have se- section and very pain so gave up , the baby stay at home with my sister . How about you ? what was your feeling ?"
I total forgot she is a stranger and she looking for money , like this  is  a mother and todder group chat.
I said I can not drive you to the shop get nappy and milk , she correct me " I have car you just give me money , I will bring back at evening time".
 I forgot the rule the first 6weeks not allow driving for woman have se-section and asked she show me her driving license, I am a silly billy!

I asked her write down her address and the phone number, names, while she said  some word  like hello and goodboy  to my boys sounds seem very calm and realy mother she lilk.
 when I asked her " where are you came from and what job your husband doing ? "
she said" I am came from Holand, my husband working at airport doing check in check out. ereryday traffic jam made he leave home early and came home later, I have to do all the house job including painting the wall." she really want me trust her do paint but her cloth doesn't like what she said, I start  doubt what she said becuase the baby only 4weeks, she must have not time to paint , so I said you have take some time to rest.

Anyway I believed her describe  because that was my life!  so  I asked  her how much she need. "may be 20euro for 2things"she said , that is real the price didn't like lie.
Unfortunate I have one 50euro at my pocket and I gave her staight , she seemed can not believe and promise will give back me 30euro when she came back from shop or ring me before she coming (I gave her my number, silly again and again),before she leave she gave me a kiss and said she will try to learning Chinese . She also said Gos bless you twice for me ,  what is shame from her.

Anything look so natural, but I feeling something wrong (about painting the wall) so I bring boys to park  , also want to check  from local old people . when I told them the story, two ladys said you been fool ! No 178 have not Chinese live and No179 they have baby but they are Irish, sounds like my money will never comeback. I was upset follow my sons stay at playgroud and call Kevin what can I do now?
Kevin said go back home than report to Garda . when I way home back pass No178 again, the door was open , 2 ladys talk about my story (news spread  very fast) . I went to asked her do you live here? she said that trickster have been her house before 2pm and she didn't got any penny from No178, she asked the same things for money and she said she came for Poland . No178 described that women's  dress and height , face and hair . all right , I really been fool .

Really want  to said trickster doing the show  such professional than movie, she speak loudly and play very well , Have to say I swear to God I will not open the door for stranger  in my life special with kids.  We will build steel gate tomorrow.
Hope no more people lost money , go away the trickster.

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玄米 回複 悄悄話 錢是小事,關鍵被騙的感覺很糟糕。
