Place "speedcam.txt" at Storage CardiGOPOIspeedcamspeedcam.txt
The first time restart will be longer as to build speedcam.spdb. Settings -> General -> Alerts -> Enable Safety Cameras (need scroll down). Existing *.spdb maybe erased.
(Same for MioMap, 有人說是 Storage CardMioMapmiotcpoisSpeedCams.mtc,不必。)
(For iGo8, Storage CardiGO8CONTENTSPEEDCAM)
iGo, onCOurse, MioMap 程序共享地圖
HKLM -> SOFTWARE -> iGO 2006 (or MioMap), add a string "MapDir", modify its value Storage CardMioMapmaps (My flash diskmiomapmiomapmaps).
And you will need to download two more files, after being edited, to be placed as
SpeedCam (Jan 2008) speedcam.txt iGO8contentspeedcam SpeedCams.mtc miomapmiotcpois
The first time start after updating SpeedCam may take longer for "Initializing Warning Data", to convert to speedcam.spdb. SpeedCam database - 8/14/08
ding=0 ; 0 = no "ding", 1 = single, 2 = double "ding" b4 voice guidance
[timezone] ; so your local time zone will not be set to London
skip_eula=1 ; you don't need to read entire T&C
enable_roadshadow=1 ; nice view when your road goes under a bridge
If you have already downloaded iGo8 elsewhere, and you have problem in running it. Please check iGo8licenseWorldWide_v142_Demo_2008_02_01.lic. When you see it, that's a preview version and no good since Feb. The application will simply quit after splash. You may try to fool it by change your device time, which will be good until GPS updates the time.