
  • 博客訪問:

六年之後 H-1B 的延期

(2007-08-27 11:58:00) 下一個
索引:1) 六年之外; 2) 延三年; 3) 延一年; 4) Spouse

六年之後 H-1B 的延期

在美國工作,H-1B 有六年的限製。如果你已經在美國工作六年了,那麽你有兩個選擇:1) 立即停止工作,並將身份對應轉換成其它;2) 在境外停留 365 天後,再重新申請 H-1B 回美。

如果你在 H-1B 其間跳槽頻頻,你的最後一個 H-1B 的有效期可能會超出六年期限。注意,即使 USCIS 犯了這個錯誤,你也不能將錯就錯。你仍然受限於六年規定。

根據 AC21,H-1B 可以有條件地在六年之外延長。其延長的幅度分別為一年和三年,依你的條件而定。什麽條件?條件就是你已經開始了綠卡的申請。

(c) ONE-TIME PROTECTION UNDER PER COUNTRY CEILING. — Notwithstanding section 214(g)(4) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1184(g)(4)), any alien who—
  (1) is the beneficiary of a petition filed under section 204(a) of that Act for a preference status under paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of section 203(b) of that Act; and
  (2) is eligible to be granted that status but for application of the per country limitations applicable to immigrants under those paragraphs,
may apply for, and the Attorney General may grant, an extension of such nonimmigrant status until the alien’s application for adjustment of status has been processed and a decision made thereon.

(a) EXEMPTION FROM LIMITATION.—The limitation contained in section 214(g)(4) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1184(g)(4)) with respect to the duration of authorized stay shall not apply to any nonimmigrant alien previously issued a visa or otherwise provided nonimmigrant status under section 101(a)(15)(H)(i)(b) of that Act on whose behalf a petition under section 204(b) of that Act to accord the alien immigrant status under section 203(b) of that Act, or an application for adjustment of status under section 245 of that Act to accord the alien status under such section 203(b), has been filed, if 365 days or more have elapsed since—
  (1) the filing of a labor certification application on the alien’s behalf (if such certification is required for the alien to obtain status under such section 203(b)); or
  (2) the filing of the petition under such section 204(b).
(b) EXTENSION OF H–1B WORKER STATUS.—The Attorney General shall extend the stay of an alien who qualifies for an exemption under subsection (a) in one-year increments until such time as a final decision is made on the alien’s lawful permanent residence.

  如果你的綠卡申請 (PERM or I-140), 已經超過了一年,你可以延一年;
  如果你的 I-140 已批,I-485 排期不到,可以延三年。


綠卡申請的一年為期,是從 PERM 交到 DOL 開始或 I-140 交到 USCIS 開始算,到你 H-1B 六年期滿時止。與你何時申請延期沒有關係。因為 H-1B 延期通常要提前申請,雖然在提交申請時,尚不足 365 天,無礙矣。

延期三年的條件是,I-485 排期不到。如何理解排期不到,有兩種解釋。其一是隻要還沒有提交 I-485 表格,就認為是排期不到;其二是隻要已經提交 I-485 表格,就不認為是排期不到,即使排期確實是倒退了。


在七月份的排期反反複複之際,USCIS 前後發了三個 FAQ,不同尋常呀,澄清了不少疑惑。雖然 FAQ 多是針對當時的混亂情形,但仍有不少可供借鑒之處。

讓我們來看看第一個 FAQ,中間有一問:

Q17: How will USCIS interpret the language of AC21 Sec 104(c) (for three-year H-1B extensions) during a period in which AOS applications could be filed?
A17. USCIS interprets AC21 §104(c) as only applicable when an alien, who is the beneficiary of an approved I-140 petition, is eligible to be granted lawful permanent resident status but for application of the per country limitations. Any petitioner seeking an H-1B extension on behalf of a beneficiary pursuant to AC21 §104(c) must thus establish that at the time of filing for such extension, the alien is not eligible to be granted lawful permanent resident status on account of the per country immigrant visa limitations.

請同學們讀兩遍 "must thus establish that at the time of filing for such extension". 好消息呀,命運掌握在自己的手中了。

USCIS 說,你 H-1B 的三年延期夠不夠資格(即排期是否當前),是看你提交 I-129 時的 VB. 至於你的 I-485 交沒交,什麽時候交的,通通不管。

這樣,在申請 H-1B 的六年之後延期時,選擇一個好的 timing 是非常重要的。假如你是今年(2007)七月25日申請的 H-1B 延期,你的會隻批一年;但是你若拖到八月份再辦的話,就是三年了。沒整明白的同學,請麵壁三思。

另外,H-1B 的延期可以提前申請,早個半年也沒關係。所以同學們要未雨綢繆,早做安排為宜。

對於因為 PERM 或 I-140 尚未批準,不幸隻能延期一年的同學來說,還存在一個 leftover 的問題。由於雇主更換的原因,有可能你的 H-1B 在五年半的時候到期。這時候,你去延期,是先延個半年,然後再延個一年,還是可以一口氣延個一年半?USCIS 於是說

"As stated elsewhere in the AFM, while extension for a period beyond the alien’s 6th year may only be granted in one-year increments, such extensions may – in certain cases – be combined with earlier extension requests provided the above criteria and all eligibility criteria are met."

所以,延一年的同學可以把沒用完的 H-1B 合起來一起延,但是最多不能超過三年。

綜上所述,六年之後的 H-1B 的延期,在一到三年之間。當你的 I-140 已批的情況下,取決於你交 I-129 時的 VB;當你的 I-140 或 PERM 仍在 pending 但超過一年時,取決於你的六年期限還剩下多少;如果排期不到一年且 I-140 還沒有批,很不幸你動手晚了,不能再延(6/16/08 起在 H-1b 六年期滿前 60 天內可申請 I-140 的加快服務--詳見"申請職業移民用 I-140")。
在極端情況下,I-140 批準且排期當前而 PERM/I-140 尚不足一年,不滿足六年之後延 H-1B 的條件,隻有 EAD 一條路。-- EB-1

H-1B 六年之後的延期是針對綠卡申請者的網開一麵。如果你的 PERM/I-140/I-485 被拒,你也就喪失了申請的資格。但是,一旦你 Appeal, 在上訴期間(原來的 denial 狀態變成了 pending),申請人還可以申請延期。而且,延期得到批準之後,可以繼續工作直至延期之後的 H-1B 失效,即使綠卡申請在 H-1B 失效前被拒

H-1B 六年之後的延期手續,和以前的一模一樣。你唯一要注意的是,在 Cover Letter 中把你想延幾年的理由闡述一遍,免得碰到個業務不熟的 VO,給你辦的稀裏糊塗。還有,六年之後 H-1B 的延期手續,沒有隻許辦一次的限製,所以六年之外換工作也可以 transfer H-1B. 隻是有一點,辦手續的時候,你的條件仍然要滿足六年之外的 H-1b 的要求。
這裏用的詞雖然是"延期",其實也包括了 H-1B transfer.
盡管你的 PERM/I-140 不是當前雇主申請的,其 H-1B 也可以到六年之後。
在 H-1B transfer 的情形下,如果已經提交了 I-485,又牽扯到更換雇主、same/similar 等問題。詳見"試釋 I-485 pending 換工作的 180 天"。

對了,對於不是綠卡主申請人來說,你的配偶所享受的六年之外的 H-1B 延期,是不能讓同是 H-1B 的你來沾光的。除非你有自己的 PERM/I-140.

最後一個問題:我的勞工紙/I-140 是前麵的雇主辦的,現在換了公司。新公司能夠辦六年之外的延期嗎?
AC21 隻在乎你的綠卡申請過程,誰是 sponsor 並不在考慮之列。

對於已經交了 I-485 的同學來說,除了 H-1B1 之外,還有 EAD。到底用什麽好,在讀完"合法地工作,在美國"之後,自己來定。

I received numerous message, being asked to answer/analyze/confirm H-1B extension based on their individual cases. Since it is case specifically, I urge you guys to read the post to make your determination.

Answer following questions -

1) What is your PD?
If it is less than one year (to 6-year H-1B expiration) AND I-140 has not been approved, you're out of luck (why don't you pay PP service on I-140).

2) Has your I-140 approved?
If "No", you get one year extension

3) Your I-140 is approved, then is your PD current when you file I-129?
If "Yes", you get one year
If "No", you get three

Since H-1B extension has a maximum of 3 years, those who is qualified to 1 year extension may combine their leftover of 6-year at one petition.

附 錄
[1] American Competitiveness in the 21st Century Act - AC21 (Oct. 17, 2000)
[2] USCIS MEMORANDUM: Initial Guidance for Processing H-lB Petitions as Affected by AC21 (JUN 19 2001)
[3] USCIS MEMORANDUM: Guidance for Processing H-lB Petitions as Affected by AC21 (April 24, 2003)

Last Rvsd 5/18/09 (1, 2)

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閱讀 ()評論 (8)
hjh73 回複 悄悄話 請問我先生H1B(academic)2010年三月滿六年期,NIW I140 是2008年12月份批的,I485沒交; 我們現在讓律師延H1B,能否延三年?
vvanna05 回複 悄悄話 Hi, pijiang

My husband got PERM/140 approved in his previous employer, he changed job has NOT started anything in immigration since he joined my 485 case soon after the job change. Now can he extend his own h1 beyond 6 years? His company HR said that we have to provide the 485 receipt, otherwise we won't get extension beyond 6 years, but as I read here, my 485 case won't benefit him anyway since he is not a primary applicant?

Thanks a lot ya!!
qqliuus 回複 悄悄話 Hi Pjiang,
My husband filed PERM on July 22, 08. His H-1B will expire on July 31, 09 (six years). When we should apply another one year's H-1B extension ? Thanks.
ganhuilai 回複 悄悄話 Hi pjiang,
My spouse has his PERM and 140 approved a year ago. He has his own H1, Our 485 are pending.My H1 (not H4 in the previous posting) will expire soon (6 years). Can I extend my H1 for another 3 years? If not, how about 1 year, or I need EAD in order to work. Thanks.
ganhuilai 回複 悄悄話 對了,對於不是綠卡主申請人來說,你的配偶所享受的六年之外的 H-1 延期,是不能讓同是 H-1 的你來沾光的。除非你有自己的 PERM/I-140.

Hi pjiang,
My spouse has his PERM and 140 approved a year ago. He has his own H1, Our 485 are pending.My H4 will expire soon (6 years). Can I extend my H1 for another 3 years? If not, how about 1 year, or I need EAD in order to work. Thanks.
JazzFan2 回複 悄悄話 Hahah! "皮匠老師"!!
Thank you!!
看帖不說話 回複 悄悄話 皮匠老師能具體講一講一年之內申請過簽證的485背景調查是怎麽個過程麽?為什麽會比較快?學生鞠躬了!