在普契尼歌劇《波西米亞人》第一幕中,當鄰居咪咪過來向詩人魯道夫借火時,魯道夫故意吹滅了蠟燭,咪咪的鑰匙掉在地上,魯道夫也連忙蹲下身子幫咪咪在地上尋找鑰匙, 這時候,魯道夫碰到了咪咪的小手, 於是魯道夫就唱起了那段動情的詠歎調《冰涼的小手》,自我介紹並向咪咪傾吐愛慕之情,還詢問咪咪的名字和身世,於是含羞的咪咪輕輕地唱起了詠歎調《人們叫我咪咪》(那是我最喜歡的一首甜美抒情的詠歎調, 每次都是越唱越激動,但最後意識到自己太激動了,又收回來, 輕柔含蓄地小聲唱出結尾句式),告訴魯道夫她的本名叫露琪婭,可是人們都叫我咪咪,我隻是一個繡花女,每天與繡的玫瑰百合花為伴,她們沒有芬芳,卻溶入了我心中的愛情與故事,我住在樓頂層白色的小屋裏,春天第一抹陽光是屬於我的。。。
咪咪說完之後,詩人魯道夫的朋友在外麵叫他一起去餐館,這時候魯道夫舍不得離開咪咪, 咪咪就嬌羞地建議和他一同前往,倆個人已經一見鍾情,這時很快地陷入情網, 深情地唱起了這段著名的二重唱"哦,溫柔的女人"("O Soave Fanciulla" -- Oh Sweet Little Lady ), 倆人相擁著一起唱出最後一句“Amor! Amor! Amor!!"(愛情! 愛情! 愛情!)以高音C結尾,掀起了一次高潮。。。
[情人節]即將來臨,也不知道送什麽禮物, 咪咪的詠歎調是我的最愛,
願天下的情人們心中的愛情永存,情緣不斷,祝願我的朋友們 [情人節] 愉快~~~

Maria Callas & Giuseppe Di Stefano - "O Soave Fanciulla" (1958)

Jussi Bjorling & Anna-Lisa Bjorling - O soave Fanciulla

Corelli & Freni sing "O soave fanciulla" (1973)

Luciano Pavarotti (Rodolfo) & Ileana Cotrubas (Mimì) --1979

Freni and Pavarotti sing "O Soave Fanciulla" --Scala 1979

Mario Lanza & Jean Fenn - "O Soave Fanciulla" --1955

Placido Domingo & Ainhoa Arteta in O soave fanciulla 1993

GHEORGHIU & ALAGNA - O soave fanciulla--2005

Anna Netrebko - Rolando Villazon - "O soave fanciulla" -- 2006

"Oh, Sweet Little Lady" From La Boheme
O soave fanciulla, o dolce viso
Di mite circonfuso alba lunar,
In te ravviso il sogno
Ch'io vorrei sempre sognar!
(ah, tu sol comandi, amor!)
Fremon nell'anima dolcezze estreme,
Ecc nel baccio freme amor!
(oh come dolci scendono le sue
Lusinghe al cor...tu sol comandi, amor!)
No, per pieta! sei mia! v'aspettan gli amici...
Gia mi mandi via? vorrei dir...ma non osso,
Di. se venissi con voi? che? mimi!
Sarebbe cosi dolce restar qui. c'e freddo fuori.v
Vi staro vicina! e al ritorno? curioso!
Dammi il braccio, o mia piccina...
Obbedisco, signor! che m'ami...di'...lo t'amo.
Rodolfo e Mimi
Amor! Amor! Amor!

Mimi and rodolfo are getting acquainted fast. outside, rodolfos' friends call him to join them. he would rather stay with mimi, but she shyly suggests they all go out together. "tell me you
Me," he pleads. she holds back, at first, but as this duet ends, they sing together for the first time, and their first word is "love."

[English translation]
Oh! sweet little lady! oh, sweetest vision,
With moonlight bathing your pretty face!
The dream that i see in you is the dream i'll always dream!
(oh, you rule alone, love!)
Deep in my soul trembles the deepest of passions, etc.
Our kisses shudder with love!
(how gently now his words of praise make their way
Into my heart...you rule alone, oh love!)
No, i beg you! you're mine now! your friends are still waiting.
So soon must i leave you? i would like...i can't say it...
Speak! what if i went along? what? mimi!
How sweet instead to stay behind here. it's freezing outside.
I'd be right beside you! what about later? who knows, sir?
Take my arm, my dear young lady...as you say, my dear sir...
Do you love me, say! i certainly do.
Rodolfo and Mimi
Love! Love! Love!

• 世界幾大女高音演唱詠歎調[人們叫我咪咪]

(By Lunamia整理收藏製作於2008年情人節前夕)