① 多語種瀏覽器 再次advocate我的一個思想:在統一世界語言(究竟要不要統一?我得好好想一想)之前,先讓世界上的所有語言到同一個平台(多語種瀏覽器)上來同步地、同時地交流。 --> 《向傳統的億維網瀏覽器作自我挑戰 -多語種瀏覽器的體係結構及架構的設計》 http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/13005/?catid=96213 http://blog.w-enxuecity.com/myblog/13005/200810/3336.html 您必須把字母間的"-"去掉,才能得到正確的網址。
② 阿拉伯文明曾力圖統一世界語言 向大家介紹1200年前,阿拉伯文明在統一世界語言方麵的巨大的嚐試和努力。
"Science & Islam - The Language of Science" [HD] FULL BBC Documentary 1 of 3 《科學與伊斯蘭》 第一輯:“科學的語言” [高清,BBC文獻紀錄片,共三輯] http://blog.w-enxuecity.com/myblog/54997/201201/3028.html 您必須把字母間的"-"去掉,才能得到正確的網址。
全片很長,這裏僅摘抄第一輯裏與“統一世界語言”有關的三段: 12:00 How do you sensibly goven a hugely diverse population? Although some of the empire ha converted to Islam, they were still separated by huge distances and adhered to many different traditions and languages. In the 8th century AD, the empire's leader, Caliph, Abdul Malik, had to find a way of administering this mish-mash of languages. ...His solution was sweeping in scale and, inadvertently, laid the foundations of a scientific Renaissance. It was this Abdul Malik who said "This bureaucratic chaos has to stop. We cannot continue to run the government and govern all this span of land with this tower of Babel languages". He wanted to govern it with a uniform language and that language was one he wanted to understand, so he demanded that it be in Arabic.
17:15 By the early 800s, the ruling elite of the Islamic empire were pouring money into a truly ambitious project, which was global in scale and which was to have a profound impact on science. It was to scour (!) the libraries of the world for scientific and philosophical manuscripts in any language, Greek, Syriac, Persian and Sanskrit, bring them to the empire and translate them into Arabic. This became known as the translation movement.
17:55 The effort scholars put into finding ancient texts was astonishing. And one key reason for this is that bringing a book to the Caliph, whih he could add to his library, could be extremely lucrative. The story goes that the Caliph al-Ma'mun was so obsessed that he'd send his messengers out of Baghdad, far and wide to distant lands, just to get hold of books that he didn't possess, for the translation movement. Any anyone who brought him back a book that he didn't have, he'd repay them its weight in gold.
現在回過頭來看,阿拉伯人在那個時代,仍帶有對整個世界的認知上的狹隘性,Caliph, Abdul Malik曾想要以阿拉伯語統一世界語言,雄心可嘉,理性不足。
但是,不可否認的是,阿拉伯文明在那時為全人類貢獻了燦爛輝煌的成果。這些成果的誕生,與那個以吸收、消化、揚棄全人類的多語種知識為目標的translation movement巨大工程是分不開的。
兩相對照,阿拉伯人1200年前就在“翻”譯看世界了,而東方那個文明大國的國民直到現在還隻能“翻”牆看世界,真是何等可笑。 |