> I admire Al Gore for his outspoken activism in the
> fight against global warming.
> In the last year, his "An Inconvenient Truth" has
> brought the science of
> global climate change to millions of Americans in a
> dramatic and
> persuasive way. Al was an early leader and a
> visionary on climate change
> -- and if he had not just been elected but been
> inaugurated as
> president, America today would be the world's
> leading advocate, not the
> world's leading opponent, of preventing climate
> change.
> Like you, I share Al Gore's grave concern about the
> environmental threat
> posed by global climate change. Teresa and I go way
> back with Al in our
> engagement on this gathering crisis. Now, within the
> next decade, if we
> don't deal with global warming, our children and
> grandchildren will have
> to deal with global catastrophe. It is time to stop
> debating fiction
> writers, oil executives and flat-earth politicians,
> and actually do
> something.
> That's why I'm asking the johnkerry.com community to
> join MoveOn, the
> Sierra Club, the League of Conservation Voters and
> others in sponsoring
> nationwide house parties crucial to our
> environmental future. It's all
> built around the DVD release of Al Gore's "An
> Inconvenient Truth."
> On Saturday, Americans will get together at house
> parties all over the
> country, watch the film on DVD, have a national
> conference call to
> discuss next steps, and start seriously mobilizing
> people. Participants
> will get a chance to talk to Al Gore and ask him
> questions.
> Can you attend a screening in your town on Saturday,
> December 16? Click
> below to get started.
> Find a house party near you
> You know the underlying message of Al Gore's movie.
> It's not just that
> global warming is shaping up as a catastrophe of
> enormous dimensions.
> It's that, together, we have the ability to stop
> this disaster -- if we
> act now.
> Saturday's house parties are a great opportunity.
> This massive effort to
> organize and spread the word about "An Inconvenient
> Truth" is one of the
> best chances we've had in a long time to demonstrate
> how serious the
> problem is -- and how serious we are about pushing
> Congress toward real
> solutions. More on that later -- in this new
> Congress the johnkerry.com
> community will have our own bipartisan opportunity
> to make Washington
> stop spinning and start solving this problem.
> There's no doubt that "An Inconvenient Truth" has
> struck a responsive
> chord. The DVD of the movie sold more than a million
> copies in its first
> week. When strong leaders like Al Gore step forward
> to educate and
> organize people around vitally important issues,
> they deserve our full
> support.
> Help spread the word.
> Find a house party near you
> Thanks for taking part in this crucial undertaking.
> Sincerely,
> John Kerry
> P.S. We may have to wait to January until the new
> Democratic Congress
> convenes to force elected leaders to take real
> action on global warming.
> But, we can start organizing public support for real
> leadership on this
> vitally important issue right now. Let's get
> started.
Let's start from ourselves doing something about it on a daily basis...