
寫日記的另一層妙用,就是一天辛苦下來,夜深人靜,借境調心,景與心會。有了這種時時靜悟的簡靜心態, 才有了對生活的敬重。
不忘中囯 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

財經觀察 1577 --- TPG-Axon investment outlook

(2008-12-03 19:18:04) 下一個

Letter from TPG-Axon. Their investment outlook is on page 11-13.
Other things that I found helpful:

-Both cyclical(weakening global growth) and structural(delevoping nation growth) factors are important - for the past five years, both were aligned; in the next few years, they are likely to be opposed.

-Hedge funds have grown from being opportunistic investors circling the market for opportunities, to actually being a core part of the market itself. This transition from "sniper to infantry" is a significant one, which…requires thoughtful and evolutionary response.

-The credit crisis is in many ways the end of an era of an "amplified" US economy.

-Increased globalization and inter-dependence of markets……an investor has to understand what is happening everywhere to invest well anywhere.

-At moments of great macroeconomic uncertainty, asset allocation skills (which place a premium on breadth) are often central, while in calmer environments, outperformance skills are more dominant(which place a premium on depth).

<<2008-Oct. TPG Axon.pdf>>

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