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財經報告之二 --- 是G8改變的時候了(一)

(2005-03-07 16:54:09) 下一個

《高盛經濟報告》, Jim O’Neill,Robert Hormats


[摘要] 在增長前景不明朗、通貨膨脹上升、石油價格達到創紀錄高水平的時代,誰能引導世界經濟呢?現有的國際組織能夠勝任這一工作嗎?或者,現在是否應改革全球經濟結構,給新興經濟體以更大的發言權?未來幾年這些國家將在世界經濟中發揮越來越重要的作用。 我們的著名觀點是現有的國際機構,特別是七國集團,已經過時了,應該被徹底改革。5月七國集團財長發表聲明,呼籲產油國擴大生產,以平抑上漲的原油價格,是該觀點的進一步證據。對我們來說最有趣的是,這是七國集團連續第四次對其無法直接控製的事情發表聲明。之前三次七國集團會議令人注意的是,七國集團呼籲非該集團的亞洲國家采取更加富有彈性的貨幣製度。

  現在是領導世界經濟的國際組織進行機構改革的時候了。具體的,我們建議七國集團吸納中國擴展為八國集團,提升20國集團的地位,並建立新組織F8(Financial Eight),以取代七國集團財長和央行行長會議。


  The G7 Speaks, But Who Listens? (1)

  Who should guide the international economy in this time of uncertain growth prospects, rising inflation and record high oil prices? Are existing international institutions up to the job? Or is it time to reform the global economic architecture and give greater voice to the emerging economies that will play an increasingly important role in the world economy in the years ahead? Our well-known view is that existing institutions, notably the G7, are outdated and should be overhauled. Further evidence of this came in the form of theG7Finance Ministers statement in May, in which they called on oil-producing countries to expand production to restrain the upward rise in crude oil prices. To us the most interesting aspect is that this is the fourth consecutive statement focusing on an issue over which the G7 has little to no direct control. The three previous G7 meetings were notable for the implied calls on non-G7 Asian nations to adopt more flexible currency regimes.
  The G7 is right to point to policy action that will make for amore sustainable world economy. However, it is unlikely that the G7 can have any direct influence on these issues. Nor was it clear what incentives the G7 countries were ready to offer in order to persuade the target countries to adopt globally beneficial policies. All these communiqués highlight the diminished relevance of the G7 in the modern world.
  The time has come for institutional reform of organizations that preside over the world economy. We specifically propose an extension of the G8 Heads of State to include China, an elevated role for the G20 and creation of an F8 (Financial Eight) to replace the G7 finance and central bankers meetings.
  The G8 Summit: Time For a Change

  As the Group of Eight leaders approach their annual summit next week in Georgia, they face a far different world from the one their predecessors confronted when they initiated these conclaves in 1975. Then the international economy was dominated by the US, Japan and a handful of European nations that together accounted for the vast portion of world GDP, finance and commerce. These countries called the shots on trade negotiations, currency realignments and most other international economic matters--except for oil. It was oil that catalysed the summit process, in 1975, when six western leaders met to forge a strategy to overcome the recession caused by the Arab embargo following the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. Ironically, oil will again be a major topic because the assembled countries have done too little to reduce their dependence in the ensuing decades. In the mid-1970s, China barely participated in world trade; its dramatic market reforms had not even begun. India’s technology boom was two decades away. The European Union had only nine members. The USSR still existed as a communist state that sought to undermine the western market economic system. Iraq was an American ally. Mutual assured destruction was the primary nuclear issue, not proliferation.
  This initial summit differed from anything that had preceded it. It was not established by treaty or by a formal diplomatic conference, as were the IMF or World Bank. Instead, it was planned as a one-time event--an informal get-together--and was the idea of German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and French President Valerie Giscard d’Estaing (both former finance ministers). Giscard invited Schmidt and their American, Japanese, British and Italian counterparts to seek ways to restore world economic growth and bring order to an international monetary system thrown into turmoil after the 1971 collapse of the Bretton Woods System of fixed exchange rates.
  TheG7was born when then US President Gerald Ford convened a second summit in 1976. Canada was invited to balance the heavy weighting of European countries in the original group. The Chairman of Ford’s Council of Economic Advisors (a man named Alan Greenspan) was the prime mover behind the initiative; he feared that if Western nations collectively applied economic stimulus too aggressively, they would emerge from the recession so rapidly as to trigger a new round of inflation. Ford’s national security team of Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft also saw this as another means, beyond NATO, of bonding the Western allies together to resist oil pressure from the Middle East and to strengthen their unity against the Soviet Union. The summit had the advantages of including non-NATO Japan and of focusing on economics, a subject NATO rarely broached.
  Since that ad hoc beginning, these G7 summits (expanded to the G8 with the addition of Russia in 1998) have become a mainstay of the international diplomatic calendar. Finance ministers and central bank governors convene their own meetings, as do foreign ministers. Summits have addressed a widening range of issues, including AIDS, help for the poorest nations and

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