
  • 博客訪問:

奧巴馬全民保險的結果究竟會是什麽? (圖)

(2009-08-20 11:52:00) 下一個




1。任何產品/服務/資源都是有限的,都是有價值的。你使用的越多,你就應該付出的越多,而不是越少。比如說,醫療保險和汽車保險或任何保險,如果你總生病老出車禍,你的保費就得漲,因為你使用的比別人多。就好象你去買菜,你少買少吃少付錢。 多買多吃您就得多付錢。您要是覺得您該多吃的那部分應該免費提供的話,要是你自己是提供者,您決不會答應。連您自己都做不到的事情,憑什麽就要求別人去做?這不是蠻不講理嗎?!

2。政府的權力是會被濫用的,因為政客和官僚們所關心的不是你,而是他們自己。當一個有限的產品/服務/資源被政府所控製的話,提供這個產品/服務/資源的市場就沒有競爭。 沒有競爭的市場不叫市場,叫分配。所謂按需分配這個烏托邦思想是不可能實現的。 因為一,資源是有限的,需求是無限的。政府不可能使每個需要的人都得到他們所需,結果隻能是限量分配憑票供應。中國改革開放以前就是這個局麵。二,當有限的資源的分配被政府官員們所控製的時候,他們貪汙腐化是不可避免的。因為總有一部分人靠行賄等手段會比別人多得到一些有限的資源,真正需要的那部分群體因為沒有能力去行賄而徹底失去他們應該得到的那部分。這是為什麽社會主義大鍋飯製度製造更多窮人的主要原因之一。

3。所謂平等是不會使社會完美和諧的。因為任何一個製度都不可能是所有人都滿意,因此,完美和絕對的和諧是根本不成立的。 人們要接受的是對現有製度的缺陷和不和諧的忍受能力是多大。能忍受得了,社會自然會和諧很多。不能忍受,社會的衝突在所難免。在任何一個社會裏,總有一部分人的利益會為另一部分人的利益讓步。合理還是不合理,民主的製度會自我調節。有限的產品/服務/資源能覆蓋多少需求要靠市場來調節。太多的行政管理隻能帶來價格的上漲,而不是產品量的增加。要讓產品量上來,投資產品開發的人必須有利可圖。產品量的增加的結果隻能是價格的下降,最後得益的是需要產品的人。





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閱讀 ()評論 (62)
高大大 回複 悄悄話 北燕西飛:戳那住中八袋!
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複JustBrowsing的評論:

"真要實行全民保險也可以,但我要求總統和國會議員也參加,並在同一個計劃內,享受同等的待遇。" haha, they already have rejected that idea.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複高大大的評論:


well said.
marnifan 回複 悄悄話 政府從來就不是萬能的。事實證明,美國政府是非常低能的。任何能由市場競爭來達到平衡的事凡是經政府一插手,全部破產。美國的社會安全係統,MEDICARE,MEDICAID,退伍軍人保險,房屋貸款,有一個算一個,沒有不破產的。- 太對了
marnifan 回複 悄悄話 寫的好!可以轉貼嗎?
北燕西飛. 回複 悄悄話 回複jennifer123ee的評論:
I''ve learned that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.
jennifer123ee 回複 悄悄話 Humm, I rest my case.

"By the way, I am not even college graduated"
北燕西飛. 回複 悄悄話 回複jennifer123ee的評論:
There are huge percentage of US nurses are imported from other countries, such as Philippines, China...etc. Believe or not, we are still importing every year!
Regarding your comment on that “only the U.S. has the best doctors and nurses in the world”All I can say is that you reallllllly make me laugh, and I laughed so hard after I have learned that you have TWO doctor's degreeS
I really don’t know who you talkED about! By the way, I am not even college graduated
jennifer123ee 回複 悄悄話 You don't import doctors and nurses from other country, only the U.S. has the best doctors and nurses in the world. i don't need to argue with you.

I'm not insulting every chinese, i only talked about some. You know who i talk about?

Oh "My tiny little brain"? I have 2 doctor's degree, and my salary is more than 98% of population. I don't think my brain function too bad.

In order to save my valuable time, I will only respond your comment on number 8, but that doesn’t mean your other comments are conceivable. US are immigrants’ country, and more than 12% populations are immigrants, including you! So we can import doctors and nurses as many as we needed,we do not have to depend on our own resources.
One more thing, you ARE insulting most Chinese here with your stupid comment “but alots of chinese here really don't know too much about the american government or politics “if you don’t believe that is insulting, something is wrong with your perception, and I believe most of Chinese in the States are 藏龍臥虎,精英! Who knows more American government and politics than your tiny brain can imagine!
jennifer123ee 回複 悄悄話 回複武勝的評論:
1. "Illegal immigrants" is another issue to resolve. Whether public option would cover them or not is not clear. But as you said, they have already been partially covered at present anyway.

"illegal immigrant" is not another issue if they are cost tons of $$ from tax payer. unfortually, liberals choose to ignore it.

2. Insurance is a tool to help people including yourself. Your irresponsibility has nothing to be proud of.
Trillion $ is the estimation for years ahead, not for each year. The startup cost will finally get long term saving.

You have no right of calling me irresponsible. I choose not to buy insurance because i'm young and health. If i become sick, i can afford health care with my saving

3. Public option gives a choice to small businesses, not force them giving up their current one if they have. How their costs can increase?
Public and private service can co-exist for different needs.

Yes, ideally it could exist. But if obamacare success, most of employers will stop insure their empolyees to save money, they will just tell them to get on government's health care. Private insurace will collaps.

As matter of fact, the problem with the insurance industrial is there are too much government regulations, if the consumers are allow to purchase insurance across the states, it will create healthy competition.

4. It's one myth that hospitals would suddenly line up with millions of patients under healthcare reform. Uninsured is only 1/6 of population. Your line could add only 1/6 longer, not counting the increase of healthcare resources.

7. High rocketing healthcare cost indicates a kind of monopoly profit hanging above us. Can you beg them a lower premium for you? You have the only choice to give them more money!

go back to my response to your #3

8. It takes time for the completion of the reform. As we know, pre-med is the most popular major right now. Don't under-estimate our new generation.

haha, premed is the popular, everyone can choose it, But you know how many people actually made it to medical school? Thanks to our high quality medical training program.
北燕西飛. 回複 悄悄話 In order to save my valuable time, I will only respond your comment on number 8, but that doesn’t mean your other comments are conceivable. US are immigrants’ country, and more than 12% populations are immigrants, including you! So we can import doctors and nurses as many as we needed,we do not have to depend on our own resources.
One more thing, you ARE insulting most Chinese here with your stupid comment “but alots of chinese here really don't know too much about the american government or politics “if you don’t believe that is insulting, something is wrong with your perception, and I believe most of Chinese in the States are 藏龍臥虎,精英! Who knows more American government and politics than your tiny brain can imagine!
武勝 回複 悄悄話 回複jennifer123ee的評論:
1. "Illegal immigrants" is another issue to resolve. Whether public option would cover them or not is not clear. But as you said, they have already been partially covered at present anyway.

2. Insurance is a tool to help people including yourself. Your irresponsibility has nothing to be proud of.
Trillion $ is the estimation for years ahead, not for each year. The startup cost will finally get long term saving.

3. Public option gives a choice to small businesses, not force them giving up their current one if they have. How their costs can increase?
Public and private service can co-exist for different needs.

4. It's one myth that hospitals would suddenly line up with millions of patients under healthcare reform. Uninsured is only 1/6 of population. Your line could add only 1/6 longer, not counting the increase of healthcare resources.

7. High rocketing healthcare cost indicates a kind of monopoly profit hanging above us. Can you beg them a lower premium for you? You have the only choice to give them more money!

8. It takes time for the completion of the reform. As we know, pre-med is the most popular major right now. Don't under-estimate our new generation.
jennifer123ee 回複 悄悄話 回複武勝的評論:
1. 無保險者在現有製度下隻是小病沒保障,大急病仍然由國家負擔,這部分錢本來就花在他們身上。

No true! Government only request hospitals to provide emergency care to people who don't have insurance. They don't provide chronicle care.

A majority of $$ is spending on illegal immigrants who don't pay tax.

2. 無保險者買不起高價保險,但如果有可負擔保險,他們就能支付部分健保費用。如果每個家庭平均僅支付一到二千元一年,每年就有高達100億以上的健保新投入。
Not true! A big portion of small business owner or young people choose not to purchase insurance, I'm one of them. I can afford it, but I don't want to. I like to have the freedom to not to purchase insurance. "100億以上?" that is far less than the trillion dollars even Obama's government project.

3. 眾多小企業深受健保壓迫,有些被迫放棄給員工的健保福利,對企業和員工都不利。如果有可負擔保險,他們也能支付部分健保費用,保障員工健康,提高生產力。小企業創造最多的工作機會,是經濟複蘇的希望。

If health care reform pass, government controlled health care will replaced private insurance company. The small business will stop providing health care to any of their employee. Small insurance companies will collaps, You have no choice, but rely on your government.

Furthermore, most of small business owners are placed at high tax brackets, they burden will increase more to fund the program.

4. 增加健保覆蓋,有助於預防疾病傳播和阻止小病發展為大病惡病。這是一個多贏的前景。
Increasing coverages for more people also mean some of the cares are covered by your insurace company right now won't be available to you in the future. You will have less options when comes to your medical treatment.

Older people and people with chronical disease maynot get the cares because of it.

5. 有了公共選項,私人保險的壟斷被打破,現有投保者也有望獲得更好的保險服務。私人保險作得好,也可以象私立大學那樣立於不倒之地,怎會都被公立服務“消滅”呢?消滅的應該是價高質劣的服務吧。

Please refer to my point #3.

6. 公共健保對於藥商暴利有製約作用,不象私人健保隻會轉嫁高藥價。目前藥商聯盟已經在政府壓力下同意將走薄利多銷的道路,增加覆蓋為此創造了條件。

7. 公共健保增加一些管理開支,但是沒有私人保險那種日益增長的利潤。利潤是拿走沒話說、增長不見頂,管理開支和浪費卻是可以製約和糾正的。選票可以換總統和官員,不能換老板。

You can choose which private insurance company to purchase insurance from, but you can't choose not to be controlled by your government! At least not until next election.
8. 增加覆蓋還要求有更多的醫生護士等健保人員,增加這個行業的工作。增加的工作就會創造新稅收。
HAHAHA funny !

so you realize there will be more doctors and nurses needed? you think if obama want to health care reform today, he can hire more doctor's and nurses tomorrow?

It takes years of school and training to be in health care field. They are the ones in top 5% of their class. Health care providers are in shortage as it is now. If you decrease their income with Obamacare, only bottom 5% of student will go to the profession.
武勝 回複 悄悄話 1. 無保險者在現有製度下隻是小病沒保障,大急病仍然由國家負擔,這部分錢本來就花在他們身上。

2. 無保險者買不起高價保險,但如果有可負擔保險,他們就能支付部分健保費用。如果每個家庭平均僅支付一到二千元一年,每年就有高達100億以上的健保新投入。

3. 眾多小企業深受健保壓迫,有些被迫放棄給員工的健保福利,對企業和員工都不利。如果有可負擔保險,他們也能支付部分健保費用,保障員工健康,提高生產力。小企業創造最多的工作機會,是經濟複蘇的希望。

4. 增加健保覆蓋,有助於預防疾病傳播和阻止小病發展為大病惡病。這是一個多贏的前景。

5. 有了公共選項,私人保險的壟斷被打破,現有投保者也有望獲得更好的保險服務。私人保險作得好,也可以象私立大學那樣立於不倒之地,怎會都被公立服務“消滅”呢?消滅的應該是價高質劣的服務吧。

6. 公共健保對於藥商暴利有製約作用,不象私人健保隻會轉嫁高藥價。目前藥商聯盟已經在政府壓力下同意將走薄利多銷的道路,增加覆蓋為此創造了條件。

7. 公共健保增加一些管理開支,但是沒有私人保險那種日益增長的利潤。利潤是拿走沒話說、增長不見頂,管理開支和浪費卻是可以製約和糾正的。選票可以換總統和官員,不能換老板。

8. 增加覆蓋還要求有更多的醫生護士等健保人員,增加這個行業的工作。增加的工作就會創造新稅收。
北燕西飛. 回複 悄悄話 回複高大大的評論:

那麽有一天你做不動了, 你就去死嗎? 你總有那一天吧? 或者有一天你的小第第得病了, 你就自殺嗎?
北燕西飛. 回複 悄悄話 回複桃花仙的評論:

如果你老公得了陽委, 那豈不是違反了你的更日常更基本的權利呢?
如果你老公出差三個月, 那豈不是也違反了你的更日常更基本的權利呢? Either one, call me please!
北燕西飛. 回複 悄悄話 回複桃花仙的評論:
"什麽?去Townhall 有人給報銷??我老公也去了,怎麽不見他領錢回來?難不成自己偷偷搞小金庫。。。"

Hahaha...glad to hear that! Either your 老公 too freaking dumb or just like what you said that "難不成自己偷偷搞小金庫" Either way will not be good news for you!
JustBrowsing 回複 悄悄話 好了,不要吵了。連奧巴馬都在找台階下,不再提全民保險,你們還折騰個什麽勁。我不支持全民保險計劃。有人問全民保險在歐洲行得通,為什麽在美國不行?我個人的回答是我不想把我收入的一半拿出來充公。知道為什麽在德國即便夫妻在同一個公司工作,每個人還須單獨買"全家保險"嗎?知道這些高福利國家是靠征收工作者一半以上工資稅來養活一大群懶人嗎?
MuYuXin 回複 悄悄話 人權的前提是不能傷害他人。有人權還有法製。
高大大 回複 悄悄話 沒有性生活而活著,比S去還要慘。。。


foxinsnow 回複 悄悄話 回複桃花仙的評論:


凡人悟空 回複 悄悄話 回複桃花仙的評論:
仙子就是仙子, 講的都不是人話;老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼.你沒有同情心也難怪了,畢盡你是仙不是人; 但是為啥別人關心一下別人你也受不了? 難到是小時候....


noso 回複 悄悄話 回複pleasanton的評論:

welcom. haha
pleasanton 回複 悄悄話 well said. 10000% support NOSO
醫療方麵的確需要改革但是不需要政府來建立另外一套體製。// conservative from liberal satate california floating by
ahct 回複 悄悄話 越是大事,越應該無為而治的好一些。。。
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複高大大的評論:

Good point. Thanks!!!
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複beijistar的評論:

Most liberals are mentally disordered. There is no way they will listen anything different than what they believe.

However, this is America, we live here too. They can't shut us up!
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複jennifer123ee的評論:

Yes indeed!!! Thanks for your comment!
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複桃花仙的評論:

桃花仙 回複 悄悄話 回複jennifer123ee的評論:

I'm totally with you...

well, it's hard to argue anything with mobs knowing nothing about history and economics, so I'll just tease them.

對不起拉 noso, 別怪我言語粗俗在這兒搗蛋。。。
桃花仙 回複 悄悄話 回複philasian的評論:

什麽?去Townhall 有人給報銷??我老公也去了,怎麽不見他領錢回來?難不成自己偷偷搞小金庫。。。
桃花仙 回複 悄悄話 那個什麽燕什麽飛的,什麽悟什麽空的,我打個比方,你們看看在不在理。

你們的意思 right to pursue happiness 就是要保障happiness。 醫療保健是基本人權要保障,那性生活是不是是健康成年人的更日常更基本的權利呢?那麽多單身漢,是不是政府都要來管一管保一保呢?你們有公德心同情心,是要把女兒貢出來,還是要把老婆來共一共呢為政府解決難題呢?什麽?沒門?那讓強奸犯性饑渴都去你家門口轉悠去!

哈哈,難道你們是還沒有?等著參加ACORN 站隊後O8給分一倆個?難怪呢,指著push 醫保過了輪到你自個兒撈實在好處啦。等著吧。
jennifer123ee 回複 悄悄話 Obama is a lame duck, his approval rating is dropping like a rock. The more people know about the health care bill, the more people against it.

No offensive, but alots of chinese here really don't know too much about the american government or politics, they are only here to insult people who disagree with them. How is it possible to have an argument with them?

Good job, Noso and a few other people! you guys keep post good stuff here!
beijistar 回複 悄悄話 如果奧巴馬真的不是為了權力而是關心弱勢群體,為什麽他可以在他的INFOMERCIAL裏
你還是吃吃止痛藥吧。 奧巴馬不關心老弱病殘AT ALL!

友, 我相信人心總是善良的, 道理總是可以說清楚的, 但是有些人真是太“執著”
philasian 回複 悄悄話 你看看這裏照片裏那些個被蠱惑的老年人, 看看他們, 嘖嘖嘖,也該著他們老被賣了還給人點錢呢---
philasian 回複 悄悄話 跟著共和黨亂叫的大部分人都是被利用的。就像2004年大選前那些church goers 和 gun supporters. 2008年共和黨知道這些white trash們認識到自己當初被用了一把,他們成了失業低收入的代表,沒價值了,所以對他們棄之如敝屐 (就是破鞋),沒理他們。

現在這些人又被蠱惑起來,尤其是那些幹癟又能幹嚎的white trash最適合他們的demographic profile.

我不知道這裏的某些年輕人士,你們是傻還是迂,跟著那些貪婪私欲的大佬們的指揮棒上竄下跳,甘心為他們做衛道士。那些去townhall meeting 搗亂組織者的經費是有人報銷的。你們在這裏反對醫保改革,保險公司的老總免你的copay 不成?
高大大 回複 悄悄話 那麽多的軍費是不應該化的,應該把錢退還個每一個納稅人(沒有納稅的人是不能得到的)。5000萬買不起醫保的人理應不享受醫療服務,和軍費一點點關係都沒有。

高大大 回複 悄悄話 患了傳染病而又到處亂竄是一種很下流的行為,防疫警察要來抓的。


北燕西飛. 回複 悄悄話 Calm down 仙! please, don’t get so excited, Okay? Do you have any freaking ideas that how much US government spend on the war every SINGLE day? Those A-holes( Excuse me my language) in the House willing to spend the billions dollars on the war, but refuse to pay for basic medical bills for American people who cannot afford it
小不點布衣 回複 悄悄話 (一)市場經濟是將正常的競爭。它絕不應容許“不正常的競爭”。什麽是“不正常的競爭”哪?壟斷就是一種“不正常的競爭”。壟斷有多種形式,有些表麵上看似乎不是壟斷,比如美國有很多保險公司,也沒有一個,或幾個是絕對大的,似乎行不成壟斷。但是保險費就是“一起”以超過通貨膨脹幾倍的速度增長,公司的利潤也同樣快速前進。CEO們的工資更能高出普通員的100,200,300倍或更多。總的想個辦法解決這個問題。奧巴馬的辦法也許不是最好的,錯了再改嗎。你能容許不好的舊方法生存了幾十年,就不能給新方法個機會嗎?
(三)我支持PUBLIC OPTION。因為如果我自己買一個和大公司一樣的保險,我要比大公司一年多付7-8千美金.我還是我,很少看病,為什麽不能也給我們組成一個團體哪?
凡人悟空 回複 悄悄話 回複桃花仙的評論:

"founding father 定義的人權有 life, liberty and right to pursue happiness. 醫療保險屬於哪一條基本人權?"

你的 life,和happniess的定義是什麽呢? 你是仙,我是人,我知道生病看不起醫生,不是 happiness;也就談不上life 了. 如果是在非洲也就認命了, 但在世界最強大的美國,這中間就有講不過去的東東了.你的書背的不錯,希望不要是填鴨式教育的結果.

至於屋主指責的"偷換概念"一說, 真的就是操練不出你的那一畝三分田. 醫療保險, 醫療保健都隻是不同的手段的名字; 其實在這場爭論中,不是爭論方法手段的問題, 而是什麽人受益的問題.看來屋主同我們的奧總統一樣的現有政策受益人, 不一樣的是奧總除了維護自己的利益之外, 也關心那些弱勢群體; 喔, 還有,他是總統, 你不是.
foolman 回複 悄悄話 美國和西歐加拿大在社會體製上有很大不同,全民醫保需要一係列的配套製度,而這些都是美國還沒有的。即使醫保案強行通過,我也不看好能實施得好。再加上醫藥費用幾乎是無節製地年年漲,又正好國家現在處於缺錢時期。

桃花仙 回複 悄悄話 回複北燕西飛.的評論:

我在美國,所指的founding father當然是這個國家的founding father,惡心著了是你自找的。



that's all. hope it's simple enough that you can understand and don't need to bad mouth people to make your point (if there is any to make).

桃花仙 回複 悄悄話 回複北燕西飛.的評論:

我在美國,所指的founding father當然是這個國家的founding father,惡心著了是你自找的。



that's all. hope it's simple enough that you can understand and don't need to bad mouth people to make your point (if there is any to make).

foolman 回複 悄悄話 我沒醫保,就覺得醫保是白花錢。以我所見的沒醫保的人,主要是沒有SSN的非法移民和像我這樣想take risk的人。這兩種人都是自願選擇這種生活,當然要自願承擔後果。如果還慘兮兮地怨天尤人,就不在理了。而真正的老弱(窮)病殘的,其實都有各種基本福利。現在最重要的是怎麽把醫療費用降下來。


北燕西飛. 回複 悄悄話 美國國會輕而易舉地批準了巨額軍事預算,但美國總統奧巴馬卻很難說服議員們通過一項“為5000萬名不享受醫療服務的美國人提供醫療服務”的法案, 兩伊戰爭花費納稅人多少錢? 難道願意花在戰爭上而不願意花在老百姓上嗎? (美國願意把數十億美元花在高科技部隊上)
如果把一些得病而無錢看病的人(肺結合, 禽流感, 豬流感, 肝炎…) , 讓他們去你家(瀟灑人生路, 桃花仙, 還有那個叫高大大的) 門口附近 散步, 你們願意嗎? (前提是你們不知道他們得病了)
美國的社會安全係統,MEDICARE,MEDICAID,退伍軍人保險,房屋貸款, 都還沒有破產啊?! 你是道聽途說 說是社會安全係統將要破產, 還沒哪!
任何事物都有壽命期的, 包括製度和條例, 每個人都會死吧, 你家的電器, 電視, 冰箱 等等都有壽命吧, 不可能永久用吧? 製度和條例也一樣有壽命期的, 一個好的製度和條例也許10年20年有作用, 過了一定時期也就” 破產”了.
一萬年前, 任何人沒有醫療, 五千年前, 幾個人吧, 二千年前, 十幾個人吧, 一千年前, 幾百人吧, 1945年, 幾萬人吧, 1970年, 60% MABYBE, 1980 more than 60% ….2009 全民醫保!!!!
不要叫什麽” founding father” 做為亞裔應該知道他是白人的 “founding father”, 回家多學學曆史.多惡心啊!張口這樣叫.
高大大 回複 悄悄話 沒有醫保還要生病當然是要飽受痛苦的。沒有醫保就該去買醫保,對不對?





桃花仙 回複 悄悄話 回複bornin1968的評論:

你憑什麽把參加 Town Hall meeting 的人叫 trash?這是美國政治製度中最好的工具之一。看來還真的有比某些國會議員更無知狂妄愚蠢的東西啊
桃花仙 回複 悄悄話 回複凡人悟空的評論:

founding father 定義的人權有 life, liberty and right to pursue happiness. 醫療保險屬於哪一條基本人權?

桃花仙 回複 悄悄話 完全支持你的意見!

"right to pursue happiness" is not equal to "right to gauranteee happiness". 你有權利追求幸福(包括吃穿教育,醫療保險,結婚生子,etc. etc.),政府不應該成為你追求這些幸福的阻礙,但不是說政府或者其他人應該替你包辦這些事兒。奧巴馬的全民醫保是要替少數人包辦這些幸福,但是恰恰成為了其他大多數願意自食其力的人民追求他們的幸福的阻礙。
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複怎麽辦好呢?的評論:


noso 回複 悄悄話 回複凡人悟空的評論:

怎麽辦好呢? 回複 悄悄話 本人在選舉中是支持奧巴馬的,但他現在在全民醫保反麵的確是走的太遠了.
不錯, 醫療是人權, 吃飯穿衣更是人權, 旅遊娛樂也是人權.問題是僅僅因為你是人就該免費享受這些嗎? 有人免費享受,就必然有人免費提供, 你自己願意做免費的提供者嗎?
基本上, 世界上高福利的國家經濟都缺乏競爭力和活力.本來他們的基礎好,應該幹得更好才對.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複bornin1968的評論:

你這奧飯除了人身攻擊外要還能說別的算你有些歪門邪道。你還真以為自己不是什麽垃圾嗎? 很可笑。
bornin1968 回複 悄悄話 我覺得你和那些在Townhall meeting上麵叫嚷的trash們真的有一拚了。你生活在一個怎樣的星球上呢?自說自話很久了吧,真是可憐!

凡人悟空 回複 悄悄話 屋主真的有點隻活在自己的一畝三分田裏樣子, 隻看到自己想看到的事, 聽自己想聽的話;如果那樣,你也就不用在這裏學開屏孔雀轉身了.

首先,支持奧巴馬醫療保險計劃的人不是弱勢群體,他們是關心弱勢群體的人;因為在你的一畝三分田裏你是聽不到弱勢群體的聲音的,請問你上一次接觸到因沒有醫保而飽受痛苦的人是什麽時間? 其次享受醫療應該是人權,而不是部分人的特權. 屋主的論調很象當年反對黑人平權的人講的話. 如果沒有黑人平權運動的成功的話, 我們華人以及混血人在美國會有今天的權利嗎?;再者,請問,有關公眾利益的是那一件不是通過這樣或那樣的政府行為來實現的?
noso 回複 悄悄話 Disastrous Poll For ObamaCare zt

This is why the Democrats are lashing out like wounded water buffalo. Rasmussen’s latest poll shows ObamaCare dropping like a rock in public opinion. As in approaching two to one against. Worst of all for Obama’s plan, the ratio is three to one against among non-affiliated voters.

Thirty-two percent (32%) of voters nationwide favor a single-payer health care system where the federal government provides coverage for everyone. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 57% are opposed to a single-payer plan.

Fifty-two percent (52%) believe such a system would lead to a lower quality of care while 13% believe care would improve. Twenty-seven percent (27%) think that the quality of care would remain about the same.

Forty-five percent (45%) also say a single-payer system would lead to higher health care costs while 24% think lower costs would result. Nineteen percent (19%) think prices would remain about the same.

There’s wide political disagreement over the single-payer issue. Sixty-two percent (62%) of Democrats favor a single-payer system, but 87% of Republicans are opposed to one. As for those not affiliated with either major party, 22% favor a single-payer approach while 63% are opposed.

This is why the Democrats are howling madly and trying desperately to shift blame away from themselves. This is why some are hiding from constituents while others are preemptively demonizing anyone who disagrees with them. If the public polls are this bad, how much worse are their internal polls?

I’d bet they are staring at electoral disaster and they know it. If they pass this monstrous plan against these kind of poll numbers, there are going to be a lot - a real lot - of unemployed Democrats in 2010.

No doubt they are planning on passing a former Democratic lawmaker stimulus plan in the near future. Just in case. They’ll need one.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複HCC的評論:

please do your homework. : )

Failed canada health care

The Top Ten Things People Believe About Canadian Health Care, But There exist many indefensible myths about the Canadian single-payer health care system Among these myths are that Canada has the best health care system in the world that the Health care in Canada – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Health care in Canada is funded and delivered through a publicly-funded health care system, with to introduce such a scheme, but while he created the Department of Health he failed Don Spatz Why adopt Canadas failed health-care system City Council last week turned down, but barely, support for one of the so-called single-payer health-care bills floating around in the ether of Harrisburg Its a barely disguised The Failed Promises of Government Funded Health Care More Guns Less Obama Failed to Master Alinskys Rule #12 At what point does a liberal become a Stalinist Midas Muffler, Not Canada is the Model for Health Care Reform US Healthcare a Failed Business Model The health care is what has failed Batfishy, on 07242009, -016 Youve got to read the show last night its funny and hes going all out with Canadian and English health care American Thinker The Failed Promises of Government Funded Health Care The health care debate in Obama Failed to Master Alinskys Rule #12 At what point does a liberal become a Stalinist Midas Muffler, Not Canada is the Model for Health Care Reform Canadas national health care system failed Natasha Richardson The San Francisco Examiner has the intelligent Editorials and Opinion Articles you want to read View articles about World News, Politics, Economic News and more Don Spatz Why adopt Canadas failed health-care system City Council last week turned down, but barely, support for one of the so-called single-payer health-care bills floating around in the ether of Harrisburg Single-payer health care has failed in every other country Single-payer health care has failed in every other country that has tried it Canada controls health costs by forcing patients to wait months for MRI scans and cardiac surgeries US health care lies about Canada – Diane Francis However the US government under Comrade Obama is going in the canadianfailed direction Americans are trashing Canadian health care, not because they want to make our care better

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複dongfangshaoer的評論:

I refuse to respond any stupid personal attack like yours.
HCC 回複 悄悄話 How come it worked in France, Canada, Great Britain, Taiwan, South Korea....etc?
dongfangshaoer 回複 悄悄話 "奧巴馬不顧廣大人民反對一意孤行地要強製推行有政府控製的全民保險"?????

You are "the people", right? Did you truly understand the issues involved or just being a copy cat????