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“床前明月光,疑是地上霜。舉頭望明月,低頭思故鄉。” — 李白這首《靜夜思》是最平易、最廣為人知的古詩。它作於唐玄宗開元十四年(726)秋天,那年李白25歲,那是他離開家鄉“仗劍去國,辭親遠遊”的第三個年頭,他一生再也沒有回去。



“床”字還有另一個釋義,即 “井床”,也就是井的圍欄。有沒有道理呢?我們不妨看看李白自己的詩句。李白的《長幹行》中有:“郎騎竹馬來,繞床弄青梅,”這是成語“青梅竹馬”的來曆。詩中那個“床”字,好多人囫圇吞棗,一帶而過了。其實仔細想想,小孩不可能騎著竹馬繞著家裏的睡床跑。這裏的床,就是井邊上的圍欄。古時候“井床”是井欄的同義詞。我個人認為“井床”最有可能是李白《靜夜思》中“床”的原意,這樣解釋,全詩更自然,更合情理。

一千多年來,《靜夜思》至少出現過50種不同版本。 這麽多版本,其實就是少數幾個字詞的不同,然後在不同抄本有不同的排列組合。簡單地講,《靜夜思》主要有兩個流傳版本,一個是我們此處用的版本,它是“新版”,來自清乾隆二十八年(1763年)蘅塘退士(孫洙)所編的《唐詩三百首》。 “舊版”為宋代版本,最早載於宋蜀刻本《李太白文集》(卷六):“床前看月光,疑是地上霜。舉頭望山月,低頭思故鄉。”




In the Still of the Night

I descry bright moonlight in front of my bed.

I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor.

I watch the bright moon, as I tilt back my head.

I yearn, while stooping, for my homeland more.

(徐忠傑 譯)


A Tranquil Night

Abed, I see a silver light,

I wonder if it's frost aground.

Looking up, I find the moon bright;

Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned.

(許淵衝 譯)


In the Quiet Night

So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed---

Could there have been a frost already?

Lifting my head to look, I found that it was moonlight.

Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home.

(Witter Bynner 譯)


Night Thoughts

I wake, and moonbeams play around my bed,

Glittering like hoar-frost to my wandering eyes;

Up towards the glorious moon I raise my head,

Then lay me down---and thoughts of home arise.

(Herbert A. Giles 譯)


On a Quiet Night

I saw the moonlight before my couch,

And wondered if it were not the frost on the ground.

I raised my head and looked out on the mountain noon,

I bowed my head and though of my far-off home.

(S. Obata 譯)


The Moon Shines Everywhere

Seeing the moon before my couch so bright

I thought hoar frost had fallen from the night.

On her clear face I gaze with lifted eyes:

Then hide them full of Youth's sweet memories.

(W.J.B. Fletcher 譯)


Night Thoughts

In front of my bed the moonlight is very bright.

I wonder if that can be frost on the floor?

I list up my head and look at the full noon, the dazzling moon.

I drop my head, and think of the home of old days.

(Amy Lowell 譯)


Nostalgia in a Tranquil Night

The moonbeams casted on well-fences,

In a trance I felt it was hoarfrost.

Lifting my head, the moonlight flowed into my eyes;

Bowing my head, the homesickness flooded my heart.

(唐宋韻 試譯 【注:“床”作井欄解。】)

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敢博一笑 -

Thoughts on a Quiet Night
Bai Li

Splashed across the well yard - dazzlingly bright,
Deceiving me as hoarfrost is but tonight's moonlight.
Looking up, I cannot help wondering about the splendid moon.
Yet earthbound, I only find homesickness keeping my chest tight.
diaozhi 發表評論於
1) 床為井欄,當無疑義。舉頭、低頭不是在睡床上的習慣動作。
3)Sunlight glitters; but moonlight? Not so sure.
4) 博主博學,著文情理並茂。譯詩後兩句,恐有微瑕:As it is rendered, grammatically, it would infer that the moonlight was lifting your head, and the homesickness was bowing your head,
唐宋韻 發表評論於
在詩壇上與網友的交流 ——

?古人見井產生思鄉之情也是成立的,背井離鄉屬於此類。所以井欄之說至少不悖理。 - 方外居士 - 04/20/2024 09:14:38
? 古時候房屋低矮,窗欞狹小,在室內“舉頭望明月”簡直是開玩笑。 - 唐宋韻 - 04/20/2024 09:16:17
?李白這首的“舊版”,跟睡覺、跟“夜不能寐”恐怕沒有任何關係。一開始就是在院子裏思鄉、抒情。 - 唐宋韻 - 04/20/2024 09:31:57
? 確實,床前看月光更是一個站著的動作。 - 方外居士 - 04/20/2024 09:36:28
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ibelieu 發表評論於

各種翻譯,大概詩譯最有挑戰性,但也最有趣。 也給樓主胡湊一個:

《Quiet Night Thoughts》

Sparkling before the well wall is moon light,
Fooled me into suspecting frost on the ground.
Lifting my head I see the moon bright,
Dropping my head I yearn for my home town*.

*“Home town”is British English.
唐宋韻 發表評論於

非常同意“床”作“井欄”。“床”,在唐及唐以前就有“井欄”之意。杜甫有“翠柏深留景,紅梨回得霜。風箏吹玉柱,露井凍銀床。” 而《樂府·淮南王篇》有“後園鑿井銀作床”的記載。
- 清泉水 - (242 bytes) (14 reads) 04/19/2024 16:18:19
唐宋韻 發表評論於
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WriteItOut 發表評論於
個人覺得Herbert A. Giles 的版本最好,讀起來朗朗上口又不失貼切。謝謝好帖分享!