有個人跟我聯係,靠譜嗎。他還沒看房,說有興趣。下麵是他的message, 要是不靠譜我就不show了。
I saw the property at xxxxxx and I’m interested in renting it. However as I have just been relocated by my employer to US from Europe, I am unable to provide
any US credit history, but can of course provide my European (955/1000) along with my visa, ID, bank statements and job verification.
然後另外一個申請人,夫妻,credit score 一個680,一個578, 工作看著都不錯,收入是房租的四倍多。神奇的是Zillow 上顯示的credit report裏兩人 都是100% on time payment, 那怎麽score 會這麽低。我是用zilllow打廣告的,對申請的人Zillow 都會提供credit report 和background check. 這兩人還沒看房,已經交申請了,正跟我約周末看房。我有點猶豫,不管什麽原因,578太低了吧。