這娃父母家庭收入也有30萬了,父親是工程師,母親是Fedex的manager. 父親說付學費也能做到,但要犧牲一些

來源: mjnew 2024-02-21 08:15:40 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2115 bytes)


Nelson and his family were faced with a choice — stretch their budget and potentially take on debt for a brand-name school, or save their money for a graduate degree down the line. His father, Ronald Sr., is an engineer who works as a manager at the Federal Aviation Administration and his mother, Sandra, works in management at FedEx headquarters.

"I think it would have been possible, given some sacrifice," Ronald Sr. told Business Insider about sending his son to an Ivy League school.


After some thought and consideration of all the schools' offers, Nelson decided it wouldn't be worth the financial strain to use this money on his undergraduate education. He plans on going to medical school after college, and knows he'll be faced with more tuition costs.

"With people being in debt for years and years, it wasn't a burden that Ronald wanted to take on and it wasn't a burden that we wanted to deal with for a number of years after undergraduate," Ronald Sr. said. "We can put that money away and spend it on his medical school, or any other graduate school."




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