Know what you want and know what you need to get it

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回答: 使他的特長得以發揮呢清涼蓮花世界2018-04-21 11:58:19

I am not a leader nor with leadership skills. These are my random thoughts.


1. Leadership is  more than a title.  A title can be bought or given.

2. You must want it and embrace it.

3. You must be willing to take command, be commanded and delegate your command.

4. Leadership is much more than having people listening to you. You must have a vision and mission, and know what you want to accomplish.

5. You must want it and know your strength and weaknesses and know others' weakness and strength.

6. You must be driven and willing to stand out among the pack.

7. You must be willing to take risks and chances.

8. You must be willing to speak up for your team.

9. You must be willing to look at your failure and not instantly blame on others.




