tiebreaking between individuals

來源: 常常媽 2018-01-09 07:49:51 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1260 bytes)
回答: 請問大家,這種情況怎麽辦?3歲男孩媽2018-01-08 20:58:26

我查了一下school handbook, 說是個人分數要算 sprint(1x) + target(2x), 如果分數一樣,sprint round做對的題目多的孩子勝出。

TIEBREAKING ALGORITHM: used to determine team and individual ranks and to determine which individuals
qualify for the Countdown Round. In general, questions in the Target, Sprint and Team Rounds increase in
difficulty so that the most difficult questions occur near the end of each round. In a comparison of questions
to break ties, generally those who correctly answer the more difficult questions receive the higher rank. The
guidelines provided below are very general; competition officials receive more detailed procedures.
•• Ties between individuals: the student with the higher Sprint Round score will receive the higher rank.
If a tie remains after this comparison, specific groups of questions from the Target and Sprint Rounds
are compared.

如果按照這個算法,小印的確排名在你孩子前麵,那麽就謝謝人家,不用多說;如果你兒子在前麵,但是人家假裝高風亮節,那如果是我的話, 先謝謝人家,然後還是要提一句這個rule。
