不用手工畫 隻需要記錄軌跡和輸出GPX文件的軟件和穀歌地圖

我比較了幾種軟件,最後使用Velodash,把每天的行程輸出為GPX文件。Then Create a new map from Google map. It can be done using desktp PC, can't be done using mobile. Import GPX file of the first day from new created map. 

For the rest days, import GPX to Google Map and then export as KML file for each day. For me, I exported rest 17 KML files. Then I import KML files from the new created Map using the first day GPX file previously, using "Add more items" in the import menu.

That's all what I did. They might be other easy ways. Hope this helps.

1. Export GPX files for each day using the application which rrecorded your route

2. Create a new map using Google MAP and import GPX for the first day

3. Convert GPX to KML file for the rest days using Google Map

4. Add more items using KML files to the new created map.
