A portion will reopen 2027, Southern Wing 2037!

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Main reason we decided not to revisit Berlin on this trip.  Without Pergamon, other places while are good but not merit a specific revisit.

When we went, there were people but not anywhere near what you might see in recent years.  The Miletus Market Place was stunning especially we saw the actual ruins a couple years before seeing the repica at Pergamon.

The new museum (Egyptian artifacts) at that time had very few displays - it was built to house the chest sculpture of Queen Nefaertari.  She looked stunningly beautiful even one eye wasn't finished.  The theory was, this was the first made model before making the final version which was lost in history, no where to be found.

You guys did not go to Luxor during your trip to Egypt.  If you ever return there, make sure to go to Luxor and see the tombs, especially the tomb of Queen Nefertari in Valley of the Queen.  Stunning paintings with vivid colors that remain so fresh thousands years after they were painted.  Can't understand how the Ancient Egyptians did not have their sophisticated way of life continued till modern time, it was completely 斷層.  The modern day Egypt has nothing similar to the Ancient Egypt yet the country relies the Ancient Egype as one of their main sources of income.  Ironic.



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