好貼!剛看到冰島現在租車價格衝上天了。簡直是宰你沒商量。 :-(

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回答: Studlagil Canyon – 冰島東北內陸的hidden gemxlcn2021-07-15 22:59:00

Renting a car in Iceland has become outrageously expensive


The prices turned out to be similar to what DV found, with Skyscanner (via Wisecars) showing a “Toyota RAV4 or similar” from Icerental as the cheapest option at $2.019 for the seven days or $289 per day. Dohop retuned even worse prices with the cheapest option being a “Toyota Corolla Estate or similar” from Sixt for $3,865 or over $552 per day.


冰島租車本來就貴,現在是完全離譜了!幸好我們去的早。 -xlcn- 給 xlcn 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/16/2021 postreply 09:04:09
