Everglades national park, 大沼澤地國家公園

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我們去過三次Everglades,覺得最好花一天時間玩,在flamingo center 租船,跟野生動物有個近距離接觸。最少3,4個小時,那就走走royal plam的anhinga trail 吧。

Everglades   National  Park,大沼澤地國家公園,是 美國 本土最大的亞熱帶野生動物保護地,是 美國 第三大國家公園,聯合國教科文組織列入世界遺產,遼闊的沼澤地、壯觀的鬆樹林和星羅棋布的紅樹林為無數野生動物提供了安居之地。這裏是美國本土上最大的亞熱帶野生動物保護地。紅樹(Mangrove)有很強的耐力,能在鹹水環境生存。它多分支的根部強而有力,能伸入水下並固定樹幹。多虧它的根,岸邊的小石塊及泥沙得以被固定而不致被潮水衝失。也因此很多小島得以存在而不致流失。$25 a car for 7 days, 大沼澤地國家公園非常大,也有很多可以徒步的小徑。




Ernest F. Coe Visitot Center這裏會有一些科普教育,動物標本,公園地圖,當然還有衛生間和賣紀念品的,書,冰箱貼,t-shirt和poster


然後繼續沿9336開,就到了royal palm visitor center,這裏有Anhinga Trail。 Anhinga Trail, 0.8 miles, 鱷魚挺多的,還看到倆個小寶寶。 Wading birds, cormorants, Purple Gallinules, and nesting Anhingas along the path anytime of the day during the winter (dry) season。小徑維護得很好,在沼澤上麵搭了橋,可以一路走下去。一路全是風景,到處都是動物, 鱷魚,烏龜,魚和鳥。走走停停,拍拍看看




Gumbo limbo trail:


Pa -hay- okee overlook, 0.2 mi le, 看到好多鳥, 

West lake Trail,0.4 mile, 這個景點的棧橋就是被颶風摧毀了的,看起來特別的頹廢,不過別有一番韻味。紅樹林,水裏看到了蛇。


Flamingo Visitor's Center,租雙人劃船32*2,兩小時,船穿行於河流入海口處縱橫交織的紅樹林間,遠遠地看看潮泥灘上棲息啄食的禽鳥。遊客中心外的遊船碼頭還有海牛出沒,不容錯過。比那種坐“草上飛”Airboat在濕地公園外麵轉一圈要強太多了.遇到一家人, 他們劃了8天船,

You can see a variety of shorebirds such as a variety of heron species (including both morphs of the Great Blue Heron), egrets, and white ibis. Rare birds such as the mangrove cuckoo, brown pelican, and white crowned pigeon have made appearances here. Magnificent frigate birds, osprey, gulls, and terns can be seen soaring high above. Pausing to listen, you may spy by song or sight, warblers, sparrows, woodpeckers, and more! The west Indian manatee and North American crocodile have also been known to make a rare appearance along the mangrove shoreline and during our Paddle Birding experience.

這裏是海水,所以這裏的鱷魚是crocodile, 紅色是我們的漿,看看它離我們有多近呀




Eco pond,0.5 mile, for birding, Wading birds, American Coots, Osprey, White-crowned Pigeons, warblers, Red-shouldered Hawks, Anhingas, rails, Painted Buntings and other transients are best viewed here in the morning. 就是蚊子太多。

出口不遠的路上去網紅店Robert is here 有各種口味,比如草莓口味,木瓜的奶昔,和鮮榨甘蔗汁。

Florida City,homestead有不少飯店,解決吃飯問題,比如Texas road house,超市aldi ,買些蘋果,橘子,香蕉等。

Shark Valley Visitor Center,可以 做TRAM,









好詳細的介紹,下次去有指南了。謝謝分享! -AnnYuan- 給 AnnYuan 發送悄悄話 AnnYuan 的博客首頁 (276 bytes) () 01/11/2021 postreply 14:33:48

這些鱷魚離這麽近,有危險嗎? -家有好寶-夏靜子- 給 家有好寶-夏靜子 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/14/2021 postreply 05:28:52

同問。 -luck86- 給 luck86 發送悄悄話 luck86 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/14/2021 postreply 09:01:14

不危險,雖然提示版上寫要離16feet,但是路邊上那隻,有人就貼著它旁邊照相,它也一動不動的 -willows- 給 willows 發送悄悄話 willows 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/14/2021 postreply 17:03:09



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