
來源: lepton 2018-10-07 14:51:26 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (11320 bytes)

白晝的威尼斯,陽光太強烈,人聲太喧囂,太熱太濕,氣氛完全不對。 想要細細品味她滄桑背後的優雅,with tenderness and with gratitude,必須趕在大隊人馬入侵前早起,靜靜與威尼斯獨處。


Brideshead Revisited裏, 男主人公回憶,“These memories, which are my life—for we possess nothing certainly except the past—were always with me. Like the pigeons of St. Mark’s, they were everywhere, under my feet, singly, in pairs, in little honey-voiced congregations, nodding, strutting, winking, rolling the tender feathers of their necks, perching sometimes, if I stood still, on my shoulder or pecking a broken biscuit from between my lips; until, suddenly, the noon gun boomed and in a moment, with a flutter and sweep of wings, the pavement was bare and the whole sky above dark with a tumult of fowl. Thus it was that morning.”



雖然時節完全不對,但Joseph Brodsky的Watermark是我讀過最美的威尼斯情書。 這位命運多舛的俄國旅美詩人,諾獎得主,把冬天的威尼斯迷霧寫的如夢似幻。
“In winter you wake up in this city, especially on Sundays, to the chiming of its innumerable bells, as though behind your gauze curtains a gigantic china tea set were vibrating on a silver tray in the pearl-gray sky. You fling the window open and the room is instantly flooded with this outer, peal-laden haze, which is part damp oxygen, part coffee and prayers.” 

Brodsky說清晨第一線晨光下的總督府是最美的。 Must not miss this miracle.




如果是在冬季的灰色濃霧中,對麵的San Giorgio Maggiore怕是都被裹藏了。也許美,有了遮掩與躲藏,有了神秘,才更吸引人。

Monet筆下的San Giorgio Maggiore

“It really does look like musical sheets, frayed at the edges, constantly played, coming to you in tidal scores, in bars of canals with innumerable obbligati of bridges, mullioned windows, or curved crownings of Coducci cathedrals, not to mention the violin necks of gondolas. In fact, the whole city, especially at night, resembles a gigantic orchestra, with dimly lit music strands of palazzi, with a restless chorus of waves, with the falsetto of a star in the winter sky. The music is, of course, greater than the band, and no hand can turn the page.”

我知道,隻有此刻,良辰和美景終於都屬於我。 沈醉於橋影與水痕裡,每一個角落都能看到水道的波光灩瀲。

“We pass from one realm of water to another.”

坐船渡到對麵的小島San Giorgio Maggiore。








午餐時候,老公請餐館老闆推薦一間玻璃廠,老闆給了我們免費參觀的coupon。 帶著孩子們看了一個demo。 這麼多年過去了,做的還是馬。



就用Brodsky的結語,“We go and beauty stays. Because we are headed for the future, while beauty is the eternal present.”



清晨的寧靜,清景的陽光,五彩的水紋,Monet 的畫,筆主的心聲躍然出彩!感謝分享! -LightLing- 給 LightLing 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/07/2018 postreply 15:14:43

您的留言比我的文筆流暢啊。謝謝您!! -lepton- 給 lepton 發送悄悄話 lepton 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/07/2018 postreply 19:48:51

這個美麗的城市在你的筆下特別生動,引用的文字也是絕配 -Ycart- 給 Ycart 發送悄悄話 Ycart 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/07/2018 postreply 16:21:37

Y同學,您太過獎啦,謝謝您總是這麽鼓勵我!這兩本書我都很喜歡啊,絕對要大推。 -lepton- 給 lepton 發送悄悄話 lepton 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/07/2018 postreply 19:48:08

再一次佩服你的文學功底 -北國冰雪- 給 北國冰雪 發送悄悄話 北國冰雪 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/07/2018 postreply 16:46:37

您過獎啦,那兩位文豪才是值得佩服。真心謝謝您一直的鼓勵,心裏暖暖的。 -lepton- 給 lepton 發送悄悄話 lepton 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/07/2018 postreply 19:46:46

看來下回去要住一夜,沒人的時候才有意境 -whatever9999- 給 whatever9999 發送悄悄話 whatever9999 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/07/2018 postreply 21:50:26

是啊,Brodsky喜歡整夜在威尼斯散步,還是冬天呢。相信那是最清淨的威尼斯。 -lepton- 給 lepton 發送悄悄話 lepton 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/08/2018 postreply 14:00:58

真是所見即所思,帶著一顆繾綣浪漫的心就看到了威尼斯別樣的美。文圖俱美. -papermoon- 給 papermoon 發送悄悄話 papermoon 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/08/2018 postreply 02:58:27

謝謝月亮的喜歡。但是白天真的濕熱擁擠,再有心繾綣浪漫也扛不住,我們都躲在家吹冷氣。 -lepton- 給 lepton 發送悄悄話 lepton 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/08/2018 postreply 14:02:43

威尼斯的確是一個讓人難以忘懷的地方 -aChineseBostonian- 給 aChineseBostonian 發送悄悄話 aChineseBostonian 的博客首頁 (131 bytes) () 10/08/2018 postreply 14:37:25

讚好心態。給您豎兩個大拇指。 不能更同意了。 -lepton- 給 lepton 發送悄悄話 lepton 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/09/2018 postreply 05:50:20

太美太美! -凱茜Cathy- 給 凱茜Cathy 發送悄悄話 凱茜Cathy 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/10/2018 postreply 10:52:25
