
來源: moab 2013-01-17 21:05:16 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (13863 bytes)
回答: 問Florida旅行的問題:N.2013-01-17 14:07:08

我打算一個人帶聽話的8歲兒子,從OrlandoEverglade玩,捎帶上key west, 4天,夠嗎?

Well, it depends.


第一天:開車從OrlandoEverglade Google 地圖說要開4個多小時。打算慢慢悠悠的開,路上在玩些小景點。夜宿Everglade 大門口。

   問題:1. Everglade 大門口在哪兒?那麽大一片,不知道應該從哪兒入。有旅館推薦嗎?

Florida city, or Homestead.


You mean, turnpike? The drive is longer that google suggests.

第二天:玩Everglade34點鍾後往key west. Google 地圖說要開2個多小時。夜宿key west.

   問題:3. Everglade除去開車轉轉,走走trail, 還有什麽好玩的?推薦trail?

Everglades- for one day visit, there's a short trail not far from the visitor center. Your chance of spotting aligators are pretty good this time of the year. If you drive to flamingo, there are boat tours and kayaking. If you are lucky you will see both crocodiles and aligators there. 

There are also airboat tours off road 41 (to the west of Miami). Going that route requires at least half day.


第三天:上午key west snorkeling. 下午開回Everglade/key 的入口附近。

   問題:4. Key west 還有什麽好玩的?

Jetskiing is fun. Eco tours, etc. Hemingway's home, lighthouse, southernmost point, etc. It's fun to rent a bike and enjoy the town.

第四天:在Everglade/key 的入口附近玩,下午開回Orlando.

   問題:5. Everglade/key 的入口附近還有什麽好玩的?

Or on your way back go to John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. But it's a long drive back to Orlando...



Thank you for the info. -N.- 給 N. 發送悄悄話 N. 的博客首頁 (133 bytes) () 01/17/2013 postreply 22:10:09



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