又見波士頓,依然隻匆匆一瞻 (外加一點真人秀)

來源: Gardenia_On_The_Bay 2012-07-02 12:56:28 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (10018 bytes)
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I have been to Boston many times over the years, however, all but once were for business, and therefore, the theme has always been the same, i.e., airport - hotel- business meetings - hotel - airport, with perhaps a tiny bit of time in between for excursions such as meeting up with old friends. Sightseeing has never been able to make it to my schedule, and this time would be no exception.

As usual, my hu*****and and the two kids saw me off at the airport on Sunday morning. I walked off after kissing them byebye and promising to send pictures so that they would know what Mommy was doing and where Mommy was.. While I was walking towards my gate, I noticed, interestingly, an exhibit on fashions and patterns and the ways to make them in the old days.

There were a variety of sewing machines from different eras, and I found these mini-ones very intriguing.

This illustrates when sewing classes were part of normal school curriculum.

And these are the various sewing accessories used in the past..

Quite fascinating. Unfortunately, I did not really have the luxury of time to look at the entire exhibit and had to go board my flight.

By the time I landed in Boston, it was already past 8pm, and the evening air was a bit chilly for me...On the way to the hotel, I snapped this picture while the taxi was waiting at a stop light.. The New England style is so much different from what I used to see..

My room on the 20th floor has a view of the city and the water. I would be asleep amid the city lights under the night sky..

A closer picture of the view out of my window with the river in the distance.

Without water, a city would be one without a soul - well, just my opinion :-).

I was quite hungry but in no mood to dine in a restaurant. So I ordered room service despite of knowing that the food would be pathetic at best..Sautéed spinach and a clam chowder..

My Monday schedule was horrendous so much so that I only had 30 minutes for lunch, and there was not so much of a selection. Here was my horrible lunch in its entirety.

The lunch, however, was made up by what I got at the evening reception.. Here were the sea bass and lamb chop both of which were delicious..

And look at the desert!

So much for the food. Now taking a step back, I actually went for a stroll before heading to the reception, aiming to find that waterfront I saw out of my hotel room window.

It was a beautiful walk passing through tree lined neighborhood mixed with shops and residences..

I fell in love with the front of residential buildings like this.. Isn't it charming?

This statue is in a nice little park right in the middle of a street..

Finally, the water..

Now back at the reception, there was quite a variety of entertainment..

...and the decor..

A wonderful water view I snapped while walking out of the reception..

Tuesday saw me wandering about Chinatown trying to find a place for dinner..As far as I know, almost every Chinatown in the States has a decorative gate..Boston is no exception.

I used the fail-safe criterion of %occupany to screen for dinner venues, and this place passed on the very first glance..

I ordered 水煮魚。Great choice..

Two of the business dresses I wore during my stay.

Wed. lunch - lobster wrap - was a huge step up from prior...

The decor for the evening at the Museum of Fine Arts..

Now this is a piece of modern art I could not get. Anyone else would like to give it a try?

Here is a painting from my favorite artist. Does anyone care to guess who?

This is a very fascinating piece of art display, playing with glass, mirrors and reflection.

I was attracted by the colors of this sculpture in the shape of a person..

Tomorrow would be hectic, and I would also bid goodbye to this beautiful city. Let me leave you with a picture of hers seen from my hotel window..

Hope you have enjoyed my story. Thank you.


- 真人秀- 那件桔色的 Knit Top(圖)

- 聖達菲之行 (三)(圖)

- The Meaning Of Girlfriend

- 小小畫家畫廊(Part IV)



LT 看過的,請勿進。。 -Gardenia_On_The_Bay- 給 Gardenia_On_The_Bay 發送悄悄話 Gardenia_On_The_Bay 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 12:57:20

那幅畫應該是梵高的房東老板娘 -秦伯- 給 秦伯 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 13:16:48

是的。你也喜歡他? -Gardenia_On_The_Bay- 給 Gardenia_On_The_Bay 發送悄悄話 Gardenia_On_The_Bay 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 13:51:41

幾年前芝加哥有梵高在Arles的畫展,印象極深。 -秦伯- 給 秦伯 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 15:53:54

又見美人! -軍人後代- 給 軍人後代 發送悄悄話 軍人後代 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 15:02:52

多謝。還記得你的strawberry sun dress..:-) -Gardenia_On_The_Bay- 給 Gardenia_On_The_Bay 發送悄悄話 Gardenia_On_The_Bay 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/03/2012 postreply 07:46:36

謝謝,很美麗,很光怪流離,很小資。 --牧歌- 給 -牧歌 發送悄悄話 -牧歌 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 16:08:32

小資? 哈哈哈 -Gardenia_On_The_Bay- 給 Gardenia_On_The_Bay 發送悄悄話 Gardenia_On_The_Bay 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/03/2012 postreply 07:47:40

我知道你下榻的旅館了,推薦兩個地方下次再來的時候去 -顧劍- 給 顧劍 發送悄悄話 顧劍 的博客首頁 (436 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 21:29:01

Thanks, I will remember -Gardenia_On_The_Bay- 給 Gardenia_On_The_Bay 發送悄悄話 Gardenia_On_The_Bay 的博客首頁 (192 bytes) () 07/03/2012 postreply 07:51:03

也不是啦 -顧劍- 給 顧劍 發送悄悄話 顧劍 的博客首頁 (27 bytes) () 07/03/2012 postreply 10:13:55

哦,原來是professor.. 失敬失敬。。 -Gardenia_On_The_Bay- 給 Gardenia_On_The_Bay 發送悄悄話 Gardenia_On_The_Bay 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/04/2012 postreply 08:06:39



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