回答您的問題:在加拿大和歐洲, 澳大利亞和美國都算長住過

來源: atraveller 2011-04-18 20:22:13 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (38291 bytes)

我在加拿大和歐洲, 澳大利亞和美國都長住過, 美國僅僅3個月. 當前在澳大利悉尼地區2.5, 回答您的問題:

  1. Very expensive, especially house and car, like in China.
  2. Two tier: both public and private.
  3. Expensive. Don’t have kid, so don’t know details.
  4. Outgoing and friendly.  But racial tension high in some area; so are problems of Druggie, drunker and petty crime.
  5. No idea, but I don’t plan live here for long, cus I hate  the weather, too extreme for me. Most of population live in coast area.  It is a fun-loving and lay-back country.
  6. Very small market. But your degree is much precious here.
  7. It is warm for most of a year. Ref to #5; if it’s rain, it pours; if it’s draught, it lasts over 10 years. You can find lots of books describe that.
  8. Stress level, low; unless you start to drive. Drivers here are crazy; all act like on suicide mission.
  9. No problem at all.

Summary:  It's a fun-loving and layback country.  If you like living in Asia, this is the place; it is much more like its Asian neighbours.


多謝了,非常有用! -非常好吃懶做- 給 非常好吃懶做 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/18/2011 postreply 21:44:36



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