【英譯唐詩】《The Journey in Longxi》 (《隴西行 》之二)

來源: 2022-03-25 08:19:14 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:




《The Journey in Longxi》

Author: Chen, Tao [Tang Dynasty]

Determined soldiers rushed towards the border to sweep off the Huns without worrying about their lives.

Thousands of soldiers dressed in brand new army uniforms died in their enemy’s land.

It’s miserable that all those unburied human skeletons lie along the bank of Unquiet River,

are still live people in their wives’ dreams.



《The Riverside Battleground 》

Chen Tao

They would lay down their lives to wipe away the Huns;
They’ve bit the dust, five thousand sable-clad brave sons.
Alas! Their bones lie on riverside battleground,
But in dreams of their wives they are still seem safe and sound.
