【崔景榮 TP】

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回答: 【argan oil 頭發】弓尒2018-09-10 13:30:53
Vice President, Clinical Development
• 92121, San Diego
• TP Therapeutics

TP Therapeutics, Inc. (TP) is a clinical-stage structure-based oncology drug design company founded in October 2013 by Dr. J. Jean Cui, the lead inventor of Pfizer’s oncology drug crizotinib and lorlatinib. The TP team is focused on the design and development of novel chemical entities within oncology for established oncogene drivers with high incidence of secondary resistance mutations; newly identified disease-driven targets; and potential targets regulating the tumor microenvironment and tumor immunity. For more information, please visit us at www.tptherapeutics.com.

Vice President, Clinical Development (MD Required)





Jingrong Jean Cui Ph.D.

Scientific Founder & Chief Scientific Officer, TP Therapeutics, Inc.
Age Total Calculated Compensation This person is connected to 0 Board Member in 0 organization across 1 different industries.
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Dr. Jingrong Jean Cui, Ph.D., serves as Scientific Founder and Chief Scientific Officer at TP Therapeutics, Inc. She is a renowned oncology drug designer with more than 20 years of experience in drug discovery and project management at Big Pharma and biotech companies (Pfizer, Pharmacia/SUGEN, etc.). Dr. Cui is the lead inventor of Pfizer’s precision oncology medicine, crizotinib, brand named XALKORI®. She created the drug’s novel chemical scaffold based on co-crystal ...

Corporate Headquarters

10628 Science Center Drive
San Diego, California 92121

United States




Background Image
Jingrong Jean Cui